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Brokeback Mountain《断背山》精讲之四
[ 2008-05-30 09:14 ]


文化面面观  在影视作品中,牛仔常常被塑造成英雄的硬汉形象。但实际上,牛仔的生活是非常艰辛的。他们的工作通常都是季节性工作,所以常常是到处找活干,薪水也低。有时为了谋生,不得不从事一些危险的行当,比如牛仔竞技表演等等。

考考你 一展身手



Cassie: What do you think? Your daddy ever gonna see fit to settle down again?

Alma Jr.: Don't know. Maybe he's not the marrying kind.

Cassie: You don't think so? Or you don't think I'm the one for him?

Alma Jr.: You're good enough.

Cassie: You don't say much, but you get your point across.

Alma Jr.: Sorry. I didn't mean to be rude.

Ennis: All right.

Cassie: You're stayin' on your feet, cowboy.

Ennis: Excuse me, darling.

Ennis: So I'll pick you and Jenny up next weekend, after church.

Alma Jr.: Fine.

Ennis: You all right?

Alma Jr.: Yes.

Ennis: Are you sure?

Alma Jr.: Daddy, I was thinking, what with the new baby and all. Ma and Monroe have been awful strict on me. More on me than Jenny even. I was thinkin', maybe I could... maybe I could come stay with you. I'd be an awful good help, I know I would.

Ennis: Now, you know I ain't set up for that. With the roundup comin', I won't ever be home.

Alma Jr.: It's all right, Daddy.

Ennis: I'm not sayin' that I wouldn't—

Alma Jr.: It's all right, I understand.

Ennis: Well, see you on Sunday, then.

Alma Jr.: Bye.

Ennis: Bye, sweetheart.


1. see fit

这里的意思是“deem appropriate 认为合适”,比如:He's entitled to divide up his property as he sees fit. 他被授权以他认为合适的方式分割财产。

2. Maybe he's not the marrying kind.


3. get across

意思是“to make understandable or clear 使了解/清楚”,比如:I have tried to get my point across. 我已尽力让我的观点清晰明了。

4. You're stayin' on your feet

On one’s feet 的意思是“站立,站着”,这句话的意思则为“你不必坐下了”。

5. set up for

这里的set up for 是指“适合于……”,you know I ain't set up for that 的意思就是“你知道我不是(会照顾孩子)的人”。


文化面面观  在影视作品中,牛仔常常被塑造成英雄的硬汉形象。但实际上,牛仔的生活是非常艰辛的。他们的工作通常都是季节性工作,所以常常是到处找活干,薪水也低。有时为了谋生,不得不从事一些危险的行当,比如牛仔竞技表演等等。


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