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Brokeback Mountain《断背山》精讲之六
[ 2008-06-04 09:41 ]

影片对白 I suppose they'd appreciate it if his wishes were carried out. About the ashes, I mean.

文化面面观  同性恋的历史就和人类的历史一样悠久。在古希腊,“男人与男人之间的爱情”被认为是最高尚的。同性恋在历史上一度流行、公开,不像现在这样在人群中有如此大的禁忌。

我观之我见   对这两个女人的悲剧,我们能说什么呢?睁大眼睛,注意你的爱!这也是为什么当Ennis得知女儿要结婚时,特别问了一句“他爱你吗”?因为他知道没有爱的婚姻是多么残酷。

考考你 一展身手



Lureen: Hello.

Ennis: Hello, this is Ennis Del Mar. Ah…

Lureen: Who? Who is this?

Ennis: Ennis Del Mar. I'm an old buddy of Jack's.

Lureen: Jack used to mention you. You're the fishing buddy or the hunting buddy, I know that. Would have let you know what happened, but I wasn't sure about your name or address. Jack kept his friends' addresses in his head.

Ennis: That's why I'm callin', to see what happened.

Lureen: Oh, yeah. Jack was pumpin' up a flat on the truck out on a back road, when the tire blew up. The rim of the tire slammed into his face, broke his nose and jaw and knocked him unconscious on his back. By the time somebody came along, he'd drowned in his own blood. He was only 39 years old. Hello? Hello? Hello?

Ennis: Was he buried down there?

Lureen: We put a stone up. He was cremated, like he wanted. Half his ashes was interred here, the rest was sent up with his folks. He used to say he wanted his ashes scattered on Brokeback Mountain, but I wasn't sure where that was. I thought Brokeback Mountain might be around where he grew up. Knowing Jack, it might be some pretend place where bluebirds sing and there's a whiskey spring.

Ennis: No, ma'am, we… we was herdin' sheep on Brokeback one summer back in '63.

Lureen: Well, he said it was his favorite place. I thought he meant to get drunk. He drank a lot.

Ennis: Is his folks still up in Lightning Flat?

Lureen: They'll be there till the day they die.

Ennis: Thank you for your time. I surely am sorry. We were good friends.

Lureen: Get in touch with his folks. I suppose they'd appreciate it if his wishes was carried out. About the ashes, I mean.


1. Jack kept his friends' addresses in his head.

“杰克把他朋友的地址都记在脑子里。”比如:John hates to take notes. He always keeps everything in his head and thank God, he has a good memory. 约翰讨厌用笔记东西。他总是把什么都记在脑子里,谢天谢地,他有个好记性。

2. pump up a flat

这里的意思是“给轮胎打气”。Pump 本身就有“打气”的意思,比如:This tire is flat; you didn't pump enough air in. 这个轮胎没气了,你并没打足气。

Pump up 这个片语也是“打气”的意思,比如:This tire needs pumping up. 这个轮胎得打气了。

3. We put a stone up.


4. Knowing Jack, it might be some pretend place where bluebirds sing and there's a whiskey spring.

这句话的意思是“以我对杰克的了解,断背山可能是他假想的地方,那里知更鸟歌声不歇,威士忌畅饮不衰。”这里的pretend place 是指“不存在的地方,假想的地方”。

5. We was herdin' sheep on Brokeback one summer back in '63.

在提到过去发生的事情时,表示时间时常用一个back,比如:Back in 1963, there was nothing but woods here. 1963年的时候,这里除了森林什么都没有。

注意这里Ennis 用了 was,表明他是没有受过多少教育的牛仔。

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