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Runaway Bride《落跑新娘》精讲之四
[ 2008-06-20 11:40 ]


文化面面观  美国花样滑冰运动员 Peggy Gale Fleming

考考你 一展身手



Maggie: Can you eighty-six Sprout? He's licking up all the petroleum distillates I'm trying to put in.

Cindy: Oh, sorry. She's an obedience school dropout.

Maggie: Have a seat.

Man: Thank you. We'll see you, ladies and gentlemen, in the hotel on the weekend.

Peggy: You're a goddess. You're a goddess!

Ika: Shazam! I think I'm in Mayberry.

Maggie: I didn't have to change a gasket, just put in new hydraulic fluid.

Peggy: Stop it! When you talk like that, it turns me on and frightens me.

Maggie: Oh, youturn a girl's head.

Peggy: Whoa!

Ika: Excuse me. Hello? Excuse me. Could you help--I'm looking for Maggie Carpenter. There was a, uh, note on the door of the hardware store across the street.

Peggy: Are you a reporter?

Ika: What?

Peggy: It's just been our experience that anyone who comes in here with tassels on his loafers is a big-city reporter wanting to do an interview with Maggie.

Ika: About her upcoming wedding and all.

Peggy: Actually about her getting that asshole from New York fired.

Ika: I am just such a reporter. And who are you?

Peggy: Peggy Flemming. Not the ice skater. Come in, come in.

Ike: Thank you. Who are these lovely ladies?

Cindy: Hi. I'm Cindy. Maggie's unmarried cousin.

Mrs. Pressman: Mrs. Pressman. No relation. Oh, sorry.

Peggy: And you are?

Ika: Looking... for Maggie.

Peggy: Maggie, someone to see you.

Maggie: I hope you've got a new angle because it's all pretty much been covered.

Peggy: Hold on. No one interviews Maggie in here without a haircut.

Ika: Sorry, no. Just got one.

Mrs. Pressman: Excuse me, sir, I have a fact for you. An actual fact.

Ika: Yes, Mrs. Pressman?

Mrs. Pressman: You know, this is actually her fourth wedding, not her seventh like they said.

Ike: I know. Tell me something. Do you think she's gonna make it all the way this time?

Mrs. Pressman: I don't know.

Maggie: She swallowed her gum. She does that.

Mrs. Pressman: Mr. Schulian, he runs the newsstand. He's also our local bookie. He's given eight-to-one odds that she won't.

Ika: Okay.

Maggie: Instead of a haircut, how 'bout a wash? Get all that city grit out of your hair.

Ika: You'll answer my questions?

Maggie & Peggy: Mm-hmm.

Ika: Fine! You wash, I'll ask.


1. eighty-six


2. obedience school 宠物训练学校 An obedience school is an institution that trains pets (particularly dogs) how to behave properly. When puppies are young and in the first stages of training, they are often taken by their owners to obedience schools. Most obedience schools are located in the United States. Training usually takes place in small groups. In addition to training pets themselves, obedience schools also teach pet owners how to train, praise, and scold their pets.

3. shazam


4. hydraulic fluid 液压机液体,这里应该是润滑油之类的东西。

5. turn one's head

这个片语的意思是“cause to become conceited使某人变得自以为是”,通常都是夸赞和荣誉让人昏了头就会变得这样,比如:Winning that prize has turned his head. 赢得那个奖项让他变得自以为是。

6. Loafer 路夫鞋:一种矮帮休闲皮鞋的商标。这种鞋鞋面类似北美印第安人的鹿皮鞋,只是鞋跟宽而扁。这一商标在印刷中经常以小写字体出现。


文化面面观  美国花样滑冰运动员 Peggy Gale Fleming


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