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The year of the Yao《挑战者姚明》精讲之一
[ 2008-08-11 17:55 ]


影片对白The Rockets immediately made it clear that they would take 7'6'' Yao Ming from China. At 22 years old Yao Ming was the star of the Chinese national team and a huge gamble for the Rockets.

文化面面观  NBA选秀是一年一度的NBA盛会,在选秀大会上,30支NBA球队都可以挑选自己需要的新球员,这些球员通常都是来自美国国内的各所大学,但近年来越来越多的国际球员和高中毕业生参加了选秀。

The year of the Yao《挑战者姚明》精讲之一

The lottery is conducted with witnesses verifying that all 14 balls are represented once as they are placed in the lottery machine. The balls are placed in the machine for 20 seconds to randomize prior to having the first ball drawn. The remaining three balls are drawn at 10-second intervals. NBA officials determine which team holds the winning combination and that franchise is awarded the #1 overall draft pick. The four balls are returned to the machine and the process is repeated to determine the second and third picks. In the event that a combination belongs to a team that has already won its pick (or if the one unassigned combination comes up), the round is repeated until a unique winner is determined. When the first three teams have been determined, the remaining picks are given out based on regular season record with the worst teams getting the highest picks. This assures each team that it can drop no more than three spots from its projected draft position.

In the case where a lottery team trades its pick to a playoff team, the playoff team assumes the lottery team's position in all draft lottery situations, unless provisioned by the conditions of the trade. (answers.com 百度百科)


The year of the Yao 挑战者姚明

The year of the Yao《挑战者姚明》精讲之一


While the traditional American stereotype of people from China portrays them as short, studious, and not especially athletic, Yao Ming turned that image on his head -- standing seven foot six, Yao became the most talked about player in professional basketball when he signed to play with the Houston Rockets in 2002, the first Chinese player to play in the NBA. Yao was largely unknown when he first suited up with the Rockets, and many were skeptical about his abilities, especially when he displayed an unsure command of the American style of basketball in his early games. But Yao soldiered on, and by the end of the season he was proving his detractors wrong, among them player-turned-sportscaster Charles Barkley, who once on air promised to kiss the rear end of one of his fellow television commentators if Yao ever scored 19 points in a game -- and had to make good on the pledge when Yao managed the feat. The Year of the Yao is a documentary (produced in part by the NBA) which looks at Yao Ming's first season with the Rockets, how he adapted to American basketball, his relationship with his family and teammates, and what his success means to fans in the United States and China. ~ Mark Deming, All Movie Guide


1. 她往日的努力为最后的成功做了准备。

2. 她在队员选拔时以第一位被选上。

Bring it on《美少女拉拉队》精讲之六 考考你 参考答案

1. 他会从惊恐中恢复过来的。

He'll get over the shock.

2. 别来烦我,我现在没时间和你争论。

Bite me! I have no time to quarrel with you at present!

3. 整天和那些没头脑的人混在一起对你没什么好处!

It’s not good for you to be together with those air heads every day.


影片对白The Rockets immediately made it clear that they would take 7'6'' Yao Ming from China. At 22 years old Yao Ming was the star of the Chinese national team and a huge gamble for the Rockets.

文化面面观  NBA选秀是一年一度的NBA盛会,在选秀大会上,30支NBA球队都可以挑选自己需要的新球员,这些球员通常都是来自美国国内的各所大学,但近年来越来越多的国际球员和高中毕业生参加了选秀。



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