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Good will hunting《心灵捕手》精讲之三
[ 2008-09-02 17:23 ]

影片对白 The sky's fallin' on your head. The waves are crashin' over your little boat. The oars are about to snap. You just piss in your pants. You're cryin' for the harbor. So maybe you do what you gotta do to get out. You know, maybe you became a psychologist.



Howard Zinn 和 Noam Chomsky 是两位政治激进主义者,他们的观点在美国有很大的反响。

1. Howard Zinn

Good will hunting《心灵捕手》精讲之三

Howard Zinn is most famous for his 1980 book A People's History of the United States, a "radical" view that has earned him the reputation of revising history with an anti-American bias. Called "history from the bottom up" by some, Zinn's book sought to tell the story of the United States from the perspective of the disenfranchised minorities rather than the more traditional perspective of the powerful elite. A decorated veteran of World War II, Zinn was educated at Columbia University in New York, then taught in Georgia during the 1950s. In the late 1960s he began teaching at Boston University in the political science department, and he and Noam Chomsky (of MIT) were two of the nation's most prominent academics in opposition to the war in Vietnam; in the '70s and '80s he was a critic of US policy in Central America; and in the '90s he was a critic of the Gulf War. His social activism and written works have earned him scorn over the years, but his history book is a standard text in many US high schools and he has had a strong influence on the public's perception of Columbus, the Founding Fathers and American foreign policy. (Who2 biography)

Matt Damon 小时候和他是邻居,还曾在他这本书的有声版里献过声。

2. Noam Chomsky

Good will hunting《心灵捕手》精讲之三

Noam Chomsky is a leading linguistic scientist and a longtime professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). His 1957 book Syntactic Structures outlined his theories of transformational generative grammar and made him a prominent and controversial figure in the field. Chomsky is also known as a political activist suspicious of big media, big business and big government. His books include Manufacturing Consent (《制造共识》) (1988) and Propaganda and the Public Mind (《宣传与公共心灵》) (2001). He is sometimes compared with another scholarly activist, Bertrand Russell.

Chomsky was the inspiration for the name given the sign-language chimp Nim Chimpsky.


Will Hunting 由于从小被抛弃,在多个寄养家庭中生活,遭受过虐待,所以对这个世界怀有戒心。他不愿接受心理治疗,不想让别人进入到他的内心,认为这样就可以保护自己。在接受Sean的治疗前,在Gerald 的安排下,他见过几个心理医生,都成功地让他们“知难而退”了。这个片段中,Will 第一次见 Sean。他们两个人其实有着相似的背景,并且都爱书。Will 就从满屋子的书开始,对Sean恣意批评、表示不屑。他随意评论、揣测Sean,却对Sean的问题一概不回答,也是因为他惧怕回答会暴露自己的内心。而在评论和揣测中寻找Sean的弱点,希望能像前几次一样,也让Sean自动放弃治疗。他激怒了Sean,也激起了他的兴趣。



1. 别妨碍我!

2. 我不怎么喜欢他,但是我必须得搬出公寓,他给我提供了住宿的地方。正如人们说的那样,有总是比没有好啊。

3. 你最好说话当心一点!

Good will hunting《心灵捕手》精讲之二 考考你 参考答案

1. I am afforded the right to speak in my own defense, sir, by the Constitution of the United States.


2. I don't recall meeting anyone who matches that description. I think I'd remember.


3. There's no chance that you're pre-law, is there?



影片对白The sky's fallin' on your head. The waves are crashin' over your little boat. The oars are about to snap. You just piss in your pants. You're cryin' for the harbor. So maybe you do what you gotta do to get out. You know, maybe you became a psychologist.

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