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Nina: What If

[ 2010-11-15 13:45]     字号 [] [] []  
免费订阅30天China Daily双语新闻手机报:移动用户编辑短信CD至106580009009

我听之我见:这首歌选自Nina发表于2006年的同名专辑《Nina》,含蓄温婉而柔和的声音轻吐爱情到来的心声, 仿似一阵微风吹过,朦胧却又清晰地为大家描述着两情相悦、身处天堂般的感受。

Nina: What If

I often wonder just how it can be

But every time I think about it

It seems impossible to me

I wanna touch you and call out your name

Would you be my love

Nina: What If

Would you be my friend

Would you feel the same

What if wishes all came true

And each one had a star

That would keep it shining brightly

However near or far

What if a miracle appeared

And heaven was here for us to see

Oh what if you were to fall in love with me

I imagine a picture in my mind

You and me we’ll be together

Together for all time

Like in the fairytales

Where everything comes real

Would you take my hand

Would you understand

Just how I feel


Nina: What If

It’s not impossible

It happens each day

People find each other

Fall in love with one another

It happens this way

It’s not impossible

I don’t believe

If I close my eyes

If I make a wish

You’d be loving me

Nina: What If中文歌词

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