《秦淮景》是为了配合一群能歌善舞的江南艺伎的地方民歌小调。由于南京是中国南北历史和文化的交汇点,没有明确的属于自己的标志性音乐文化,多数民歌小调都是外来的。纯属南京的东西或者性格不鲜明,或者没有得到当地人群的共识。为此,我们不得不将寻找范围扩大到江苏省。经过很多论证和筛选,最终决定以民歌侉侉调(《无锡景》)为素材进行改编和填词,并根据影片需要,更名为《秦淮景》。另外,秦淮艺伎历史著名,很多人在歌舞诗文方面有很高的造诣,为此导演决定让她们用苏州评弹的咬字方式演唱 (苏州评弹这种曲艺形式直到今天还在南京继续存在),以增强电影的特色。
The QingHuai Scenery
我有一段情呀, 唱拨勒诸公听
I have a story, and let me put it into song
诸公各位 静呀静静心呀
I hope every one of you can listen to me patiently
让我来 唱一只秦淮景呀
Allow me to sing the legend of the Qin Huai River
细细呀 到来 唱拨勒诸公听呀
Slowly and passionately, for each one of you
秦淮缓缓流呀, 盘古到如今
Ever since the ancient era, the river has been flowing gracefully
江南锦绣 金陵风雅情呀
It is the beauty of the South, the elegance of Nanking
“瞻园”里 堂阔宇深深呀
Walk in the famous Zhan Palace, enjoy the spectcaular architecture
“白鹭洲” 水涟涟 世外桃源呀
Look at the Colony of Cranes with water rippling all around. What a paradise this is
(视频来源:优酷,编辑 Helen)