BBC producer Yang Li talks to two inspirational students in the UK. Both of them are Chinese and both of them have won International Student Awards. Listen to their experiences of studying in the UK, the accent and culture shock and how they have achieved their success at university.
4 Plagiarism 剽窃/抄袭
Dozens of websites offer essay writing services, which students can use to help with their studies. They can get anything from tips on how to answer the essay, right through to a full model essay. However, more and more students are using these services to copy a model essay and pass it off as their own, which is plagiarism. Lily and Sun Chen find out why plagiarism is such a problem in the UK and what solutions universities can use.
5 Student Finance 大学生理财
University students nowadays have to pay a lot of money for tuition fees, living expenses and other things. They need to plan a budget and find out if their parents can contribute, or if they need to finance their studies by working part-time. In this programme, Lily and Carol speak to students in the UK about their finances.
在英国上学的大学生需要支付很多费用,包括学费、生活费以及其它。他们需要有一个预算计划,了解自己父母是否可以提供任何援助,或者他们需要打小时工来供给学业。本期节目中杨莉和Carol 采访了一些英国的大学生,来了解他们的理财方式。
6 Student Life 1 校园生活 1
What is a typical university student's life like in Britain? Find out how students spend their free time, how much they study and what life is like for them. Jo Reffin speaks to student Sarah-Jane Smiles, who studies at King's College in London.
在英国的典型大学生活是什么样子的呢?本期节目会为大家介绍英国大学生是如何度过他们的课余时间,他们的学习强度和生活情况。Jo Reffin在本期节目中采访了正在伦敦大学国王学院学习的英国大学生Sarah-Jane Smiles。
7 Student Life 2 校园生活 2
Most students in Britain study in a university which is not in their home town. Accommodation on campus is limited so finding a place to live can be difficult. Joanne Reffin and Sun Chen talk to students to find out how they cope and look at the language surrounding the subject.
在英国大部分的在读大学生都不是在自己家乡本地上学。大学校园中的宿舍位置有限,所以寻找住处有时并不容易。Joanne Reffin和孙晨在本期节目中采访了一些英国的大学生,了解他们的校园生活攻略,并为大家介绍一些有关的英语词汇与说法。
8 Teenage Jobs 青少年打工
Many British teenagers have part-time jobs to earn a bit of money, but there are rules about how many hours they can work and what the minimum age is for certain jobs. Vicki and Oliver discuss this topic and chat to some people to find out what jobs they did when they were teenagers.
9 UK Recruitment 英国招聘
As the competition for jobs grows, recruitment has grown more complicated. We find out the key skills of applying for jobs and investigate the job market in Britain for young graduates.
10 University Education 大学教育
Jo Reffin and Jean Dong talk to university students and graduates about the impact university had on their lives. Did it help them get onto the career ladder or was it a waste of time and money?
Jo Reffin和董征在本期节目中采访了英国的大学生和毕业生,从他们那里了解大学给他们的人生带来的影响。上大学是否是通向事业发展的必然阶梯?还是对时间和金钱的一种浪费?