The photo shows an Indian man pushing a sword across his tongue in a ritual for Qudri Rafai Junoon Ali Sai, a local Sufi saint who died in 1971.
照片里的印度男子在为纪念1971年去世的当地的苏菲派圣人 Qudri Rafai Junoon 而举行的一个宗教仪式上以剑划舌。
Ouch! Don't try this at home. Photo: AFP/ Sam Panthakysam
The photo shows an Indian man pushing a sword across his tongue in a ritual for Qudri Rafai Junoon Ali Sai, a local Sufi saint who died in 1971.
照片里的印度男子在为纪念1971年去世的当地的苏菲派圣人 Qudri Rafai Junoon 而举行的一个宗教仪式上以剑划舌。
如果形容某人有一个"尖的舌头 a sharp tongue" 那意思就是这个人言语尖刻,说话毫不留情。
Don't worry about what the boss says, he has a sharp tongue.
Stephen's sharp tongue meant that nobody would ask him for advice.
如果有人对你说 hold your tongue 那意思就是“住嘴,别说了”,说明人家不喜欢听你说得那些话。
I'm always upsetting people at the meeting so next time I'm going to hold my tongue.