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China calls for implementation of UN resolution

[ 2009-01-14 11:35]     字号 [] [] []  
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China voiced yesterday its grave concern that UN Security Council Resolution 1860 on the fighting in Gaza has not been implemented or respected by the parties involved.

"The UN Security Council Resolution 1860 represents the common will and demand of the international community on the current situation in Gaza, and should be respected and implemented," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told a regular briefing in Beijing.

After days of diplomatic wrestling, the Security Council adopted last Thursday the resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza leading to the full withdrawal of Israeli forces.

The 15-nation council approved the resolution with 14 voting in favor. The United States abstained.

"Israel and relevant parties in Palestine should substantially implement Resolution 1860 and cease fire immediately. Israel should withdraw its military forces from Gaza and mitigate the humanitarian crisis there as soon as possible," Jiang said.

She said since the outbreak of the conflict, China has played a constructive role in mediation. Chinese leaders exchanged views with relevant sides and promoted the Security Council to adopt the resolution.

Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi has discussed the issue by phone with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and his counterparts in the US, Iran and Egypt. Chinese special envoy to the Mideast Sun Bigan went to the region and held talks with Gheit and secretary-general of the League of Arab States. Sun is also scheduled to visit Palestine and Israel.

Jiang added that China will continue to support the mediation efforts and is considering more humanitarian aid.

(英语点津 Helen 编辑)

China calls for implementation of UN resolution

China calls for implementation of UN resolutionBrendan joined The China Daily in 2007 as a language polisher in the Language Tips Department, where he writes a regular column for Chinese English Language learners, reads audio news for listeners and anchors the weekly video news in addition to assisting with on location stories. Elsewhere he writes Op’Ed pieces with a China focus that feature in the Daily’s Website opinion section.

He received his B.A. and Post Grad Dip from Curtin University in 1997 and his Masters in Community Development and Management from Charles Darwin University in 2003. He has taught in Japan, England, Australia and most recently China. His articles have featured in the Bangkok Post, The Taipei Times, The Asia News Network and in-flight magazines.






