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Book deal opens new chapter in nation's cultural exchange

[ 2012-04-19 13:50]     字号 [] [] []  
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Book readers in China and the West will have a greater opportunity to experience each other's culture, after a key deal was signed between leading Chinese and British publishers.

Qingdao Publishing Group and Quarto Publishing agreed to co-edit and publish more books, as well as collaborate on commissioning works on new subjects and ideas.

Following the deal, signed on Tuesday during this year's London Book Fair, Meng Mingfei, chairman of Qingdao Publishing Group, said his company also hoped to import some copyrights to China.

"Chinese publishers still have a lot to learn from their Western colleagues," said Meng, adding that more books were imported to China from the West than the other way around.

For the first time, China was the Market Focus country at the three-day fair, which ended on Wednesday. About 180 Chinese publishers gathered in the middle of London's Earls Court Exhibition Center to showcase their range of books.

The deal between Qingdao and Quarto comes at a time when China is determined to make culture a key sector.

China's cultural sector will grow to become a pillar industry by 2015, Sun Zhijun, deputy minister of the publicity department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said earlier this year, while releasing the Outline of China's Cultural Reform and Development in the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-15).

Robert Morley, creative director of Quarto Publishing, said he believed China would become "a huge market" for his company.

Quarto publishes 600 to 700 illustrated books a year on a variety of subjects, including art, crafts, gardening and lifestyle.

According to Morley, the group, together with Qingdao, is considering expanding its "1,001" series with a book on top 1,001 places to visit in China.

Meng also singled out the 1,001 series as books that Qingdao was interested in taking to China.

(中国日报网英语点津 Julie 编辑)

Book deal opens new chapter in nation's cultural exchange

About the broadcaster:

Book deal opens new chapter in nation's cultural exchange

Nelly Min is an editor at China Daily with more than 10 years of experience as a newspaper editor and photographer. She has worked at major newspapers in the U.S., including the Los Angeles Times and the Detroit Free Press. She is also fluent in Korean.





