1. 英国售货机里藏真人为顾客服务
It is common for customers to buy things from vending machines. But most recently, a vending machine in London's Victoria Train Station attracted a lot of people to gather around.
It turns out the secret that a human being hindden behind the vending machine. This vending machine is provided by a food company from the United Kingdom.The marketing manager said that they did so in the hope that every day busy people could get happiness from the communication with strangers.

2. 餐厅服务员穿护士装用针筒注射饮料
A unique home-style theme restaurant is operated in Taiwan. There waiters are dressed like nurses. There are also beverages on the table named after the names of all kinds of medcines. After entering the restaurant, guests can even request a wheelchair, in chich the waiter could pull you in.
3. 农夫对奶牛打太极拳提高了牛奶产量

We all know the phrase "howling at the moon" is not a commendatory term, but the British one dairy farmer Rob Taverner do not think so. Every morning wearing a set of blue overalls and a pair of waterproof boots, he will play taijiquan before his cows. He believes that animals are very vulnerable to infection of human emotions, and his performance also make cows feel happy to produce more milk.
大家都明白“对牛弹琴”不是一个褒义词,但英国一个奶牛场的农夫Rob Taverner 却不这么认为。每天早上他都会身穿那套蓝色工作服和一双防水长靴,在他喂养的奶牛们面前表演太极拳。他认为动物非常容易受到人类情感感染,他的表演也会让这些奶牛感到快乐,从而产出更多的牛奶。
4. 新颖的自动售鞋机

If girls wearing high heels dances or shops for a long period of time, their feet may have to endure a lot of fatigue and pain. Then what they might want most is to be able to change their shoes into a pair of flat shoes or sports shoes. Now it may be easy to do so.
5. 汽车品牌推出“试车间”

It is possible to try the clothes before buying them, so how about trying the cars before buying them? Some automobile brand has built up a firing bay outside its London's sale spot. There customers may ride in the different vehicles before the purchase.

2 Japanese macaques were employed by a Japanese Utsunomiya's dining room Kayabuki. One was the 12-year-old Fuku, and the other was the 4-year-old Yat. These two monkeys work every day for 2 hours (Japanese animal rights and interests rule stipulation). They are putting on the the specially-made uniform, delivering the hot towel or the beer for the customer.