What has many teeth but never uses them for eating? |
How many sides does a circle have? |
What can you put into a barrel to make it lighter? |
What question can you never answer "yes" to? |
Why don't babies need glasses? |
What are the white little things that bite? |
What never asks questions but always gets answers? |
What is the most difficult key to turn? |
Why is a math book so sad? |
What can never be made right? |
What sport do waiters and waitresses excel in? |
Why is it so easy to weigh fish? |
In which sport are the shoes made entirely of metal? |
What kind of coat can be put on only when wet? |
What is the tallest building in town? |
What runs but cannot walk? |
Why are dogs afraid of sunbathe? |
What has no content, yet you can see it? |
What kind of tree is in our hands? |
What falls often but never gets hurt? |
Why can a bride hide nothing? |
What has nothing but a head and a tail? |
What kind of driver never speeds? |
Who can raise things without lifting them? |
Why is bread like the sun? |
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? |
Where do the biggest potatoes grow? |