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Brain Teaser
How can you stop a sleepwalker from walking in his sleep?
How can you light a candle with a box of candles and no matches?
If a neighbor's peacock laid an egg in your yard,whose egg would it be?
What do you call an overweight pumpkin?
How can a hat talk?
Should you eat your soup with your right or left hand?
What always speaks the truth but remains silent?
What are a banker's favourite vowels?
What animal took the most luggage into the Ark and what animal took the least?
What are the largest ants in the world?
What can have hundreds of limbs but can't walk?
What breed of dog has no tail?
What band can't play music?
What can a man be that a woman can't?
What cakes do children dislike?
How does a ghost open his gate?
When do people have two mouth?
How do you know a photographer is always progressive?
Why do you think doctors are mean?
Why do carpenters think there's no such thing as gold in this world?
Why does time fly?
What can you tell from Peter's record card with extremely poor grades?
What time is it when a man is chased by ten dogs?
What's even harder to catch if you run faster?
How do you make a turtle fast?
Why is an argument like a pen?
Why do little birds in the nest agree with each other?
Why are farmers cruel?
What can fall on a lake yet not make ripples in the water?
Why is the bride unhappy on her wedding day?