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Brain Teaser
What's the best thing to put into a pizza?
Why couldn't the skeleton go to the Christmas Party?
What bird has wings but cannot fly?
What did Adam say on the day before Christmas?
Why does a burning candle like being thirsty?
What do you call a letter sent up the chimney on Christmas Eve?
What's the hardest thing about learning to ride a bicycle?
Why don't more dinosaurs join the police force?
When Lee ate raw onions for a week what did he become?
Why don't oysters give to charity?
What do you call a song sung in an automobile?
How does a vampire cross the ocean?
What do you drop when you need it and take back when you don't?
What never asks questions,but gets a lot of answers?
What is the smallest bridge in the world?
I'm as big as an elephant, but lighter than a feather. What am I?
Why it is impossible to send a telegram to Washington today?
What kind of keys do kids like to carry?
What has 4 wheels and flies?
Which sea has waves but no water?
Which is the hardest key to turn?
Where was the first potato found?
What time is it when ten elephants are chasing you?
What state is married in the United States?
What is the largest living ant in the world?
How can you take 1 from 19 and leave 20?
A man is alone on an island with no food and no water, yet he does not fear for his life.Why?
What is light as a feather, but even the strongest man cannot hold it more than a few minutes?
The peacock is a bird that does not lay eggs. How do they get baby peacocks?
Why does a bike rest on its leg?