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滨崎步香港游玩 保镖霸道遭当地居民炮轰
[ 2007-04-12 19:45 ]




Japanese pop queen Ayumi Hamasaki upset locals in a Hong Kong fishing village when she made a surprise visit for a seafood meal with 22 aggressive bodyguards and flunkies, witnesses said

Japanese pop queen Ayumi Hamasaki upset locals in a Hong Kong fishing village when she made a surprise visit for a seafood meal with 22 aggressivebodyguardsandflunkies, witnesses said.

Hamasaki, known as "Ayu" to her fans and the biggest-selling solo pop star in Japan, was cocooned by her entourage who prevented locals from getting near her table or fans from taking photographs.

Shepopped overto Sok Kwu Wan village on Lamma Island, about two miles (three kilometres) from downtown Hong Kong, on Sunday after she had completed a series ofsold-outconcerts at the city's Coliseum arena.

Contributors to local website forums complained that the diminutive singer, whose unusually large round eyes and fair hair are believed to have sparked a fad for eye-lid cosmetic surgery among Japanese girls, had upset locals.

"The most famous J-pop star of all time was having a post concert bite accompanied by no less than 12 bodyguards and another 10 strong entourage," wrote one anonymous subscriber to Lamma.com.hk, the blog for island residents.

"(I) didn't have a phone to photo with and the table next to me was prevented from taking pictures anyway," the writer added.

A spokesman for the Rainbow Restaurant, where Hamasaki ate, confirmed the singer had dined at the eatery but wouldn't comment on her entourage's behaviour.

"She had lots of bodyguards with her," he said. "She came over on her ownchartered boat."

According to her website, Hamasaki has had 27 number one hits in Japan, more than any other solo artist.

Leafy Lamma Island's seafood restaurants regularly attract celebrities. Most recently action star Jackie Chan and Philippine President Gloria Arroyo were spotted eating there. Lamma native "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" star Chow Yun-fat also makes regular return trips.





pop over:短暂的访问、停留


chartered boat:包租的船


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