[ 2007-06-12 09:56 ]
日前有传闻称好莱坞当红玉女杰西卡·阿尔芭与男友卡什·沃伦感情不稳。近日,杰西卡又吐露心声,称自己的“王室情结”使两人的感情受到了影响,并坦白自己爱上了威廉王子。 |

Hollywood siren Jessica Alba reveals that she has a crush on Prince William. |
Hollywood siren Jessica Alba has fuelled speculation that her relationship with boyfriend Cash Warren is in 'royal' trouble by revealing that she has a crush on Prince William.
The 26-year-old actress, who shot to fame after her film "Sin City" became a runaway hit, said she was still searching for a perfect father for her future children, contactmusic.com website reported.
Alba, who has been dating Warren from January 2005, said: "I always felt I had been born into the wrong family. I felt I should have been a royal."
Jessica Alba also expressed her confusion that she could't understand why actresses choose to haveplastic surgery.
Alba has vowed that she will never go under the knife because she wants to age gracefully and retain the expressive nature of her face for acting roles.
"As an actress, you express emotion with your face. And if you have plastic surgery, you lose that spark," Alba explained. "People usually look better without surgery - my grandmother aged very gracefully."
plastic surgery:整形手术
(实习生江巍 英语点津陈蓓编辑)