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Putin launches Kremlin bid with swipe at opponents

[ 2011-11-28 15:01]     字号 [] [] []  
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现年59岁,曾于2000年至2008年担任过两届俄罗斯总统的俄现任总理弗拉基米尔•普京即将重返总统宝座,参加明年3月举行的新一届俄总统大选。日前,普京正式接受了执政党总统候选人提名,他谴责外国资助其政敌,警告西方不要干预俄大选。在上万支持者面前,普京宣布接受总统候选人提名。他说:“我满怀感激地接受这个提名。”普京曾两度担任俄罗斯总统,很多人推测他能够轻而易举在2012年大选中获胜。但是民调显示,即将举行的议会大选可能让统一俄罗斯党失去绝对优势。一些人推测,统一俄罗斯党将失去三分之二的优势,无法继续按照自己意愿改变宪法。普京此时接受提名,旨在给予统一俄罗斯党更多支持。普京同时表示:“某些外国代表正付钱给那些所谓的‘领受者’,给他们分配任务来影响俄罗斯大选。” 普京说,这种行为只是“徒劳”,因为俄罗斯不会接受得到外国资助的政治家。普京还将这些政治家比作圣经中耶稣的叛徒“犹大”。普京还猛批反对党领导人,称他们在20世纪90年代在政府担任要职时,曾让整个国家陷入灾难,走向毁灭。



Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin addresses the audience during a United Russia party congress in Moscow November 27, 2011.

Putin, president from 2000-2008 and now prime minister, is expected to easily recapture the presidency in an election in March. But opinion polls indicate a parliamentary vote in a week could loosen his United Russia party's domination of politics.

The timing of his Putin's nomination for the presidency - two months after he first said he would run - appeared aimed at giving United Russia a boost in the December 4 parliamentary vote at a time when the ruling party's support has flagged.

"Of course, I accept the proposal with gratitude," Putin said, confidently accepting the nomination before a crowd of 10,000 supporters chanting his name in a Moscow sports arena. The congress was broadcast live on television.

Putin said that ahead of both votes "representatives of some foreign countries are gathering those they are paying money to, so-called grant recipients, to instruct them and assign work in order to influence the election campaign themselves."

He said any such activity was a "wasted effort" because Russians would reject foreign-funded politicians, comparing them to Judas, the traitor of Jesus in the bible.

Foreign governments "would do better to pay off their debts with this money and stop pursuing inefficient and costly economic policies," he said in a dig at economic troubles in Europe and the United States.

Putin, 59, was constitutionally obliged to leave the presidency after serving two consecutive four-year terms, but has remained Russia's most powerful man as prime minister. The constitution now permits him to serve two more consecutive terms of six years, which could see him stay president until 2024.

During his presidency, Putin often suggested Western countries were funding his opponents. Competing political forces have been effectively sidelined in the 11 years since he first came to power.

In a carefully choreographed performance, Putin traded praise with his hand-picked presidential successor, Dmitry Medvedev, who is expected to take over the prime minister's post after stepping aside for Putin to return to the presidency.

Support for United Russia would boost Putin's performance in next year's presidential election, Medvedev said.

"The more convincing our result is on December 4, the more certain and more solid our victory will be at (presidential) elections in March of next year," Medvedev told an audience packed with famous public figures and throngs of young people.

Putin is Russia's most popular politician, credited by the public for ending the steep economic decline of the post-Soviet period. But his approval rating has slipped in the past year, standing at 67 percent in the most recent survey by independent pollster Levada-Center, down from near 80 percent in 2010.







(中国日报网英语点津 Rosy 编辑)





