![]() A British dog named Mugly has taken the title of the World’s Ugliest Dog at the annual contest, which was held in Northern California on Friday. |
A British dog named Mugly has taken the title of the World’s Ugliest Dog at the annual contest, which was held in Northern California on Friday. Mugly is an 8-year-old Chinese crested with several ugly features, including a crooked nose, white whiskers and large, beady eyes, which helped it win the award, notes The Associated Press. The dog beat out 28 others from all around the world for the prize, which includes $1,000 and a year’s supply of dog treats. It will also get to do a photo shoot and a VIP stay at the local Sheraton hotel. “I couldn't speak when they announced Mugly's name,” said Bev Nicholson, the dog's owner, after Mugly was crowned the winner. “I didn't know which way to look. I was shaking as much as the dog.” Nicholson added that Mugly was previously named Britain’s ugliest dog in 2005. In case you get worried that Mugly might feel insulted by the award, host and pet psychic Sonya Fitzpatrick told Mercury News that Mugly and the others have no objection to being called “ugly.” They just love the attention they get. Mugly and the others were judged on their natural ugliness and then competed against past winners, who are known as the “Ring of Champions.” Judges and the audience picked the eventual winner. The competition took place at the Marin-Sonoma Fairgrounds in Petaluma, just north of San Francisco. Chinese crested appear to be favorites to win every year. Yoda, a Chinese crested and Chihuahua mix, won last year. Mugly will go on to make appearances on talk shows and local UK events. (Agencies) |
周五在北加州举行的世界最丑狗年度大赛上,一只名为马格利的英国小狗夺得“世界最丑狗”称号。 据美联社报道,马格利是一只八岁大的中国冠毛犬,它的鼻子歪歪扭扭,长着白胡须和大大的暴突眼,这些难看的面部特征帮助它一举夺魁。这只狗打败了来自世界各地的其他28只狗,赢得了1000美元的奖金和一年的狗小食。它还能拍一组写真,并能在当地的喜来登酒店贵宾房住上一晚。 这只狗的主人贝夫•尼克尔森在马格利夺冠后说:“当他们宣布马格利获胜时,我激动得说不出话来。我不知道眼睛应该看哪里。我和我的狗一样兴奋得浑身发抖。”尼克尔森还说,马格利在2005年曾被评为英国最丑狗。 你不用担心马格利会因为获得这种奖而感到屈辱,大赛主持人、宠物沟通师松尼亚•菲茨帕翠克告诉《水星报》说,马格利和其他参赛狗对于被称作“丑八怪”并无反对意见。它们就是喜欢被关注的感觉。 马格利和其他参赛狗与号称“冠军之环”的往届获胜者相比拼,评比的标准是,它们得是天生就丑。评委和观众选出最后的获胜者。 这场比赛在帕塔鲁马的马林-索诺马展览会场上举行,帕塔鲁马位于旧金山北部。 中国冠毛犬似乎是每年的常胜将军。去年,一只名为“尤达”的中国冠毛犬和吉娃娃的混血狗摘得冠军。 接下来,马格利还会在脱口秀和当地的英国活动上露面。 相关阅读 (中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮 编辑:Julie) |
Vocabulary: pet psychic: 宠物沟通师 |