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The public has also adopted the idea, resulting in a surge in anti-waste rhetoric. |
Diners have the stomach for the fight to save leftovers, report Cecily Liu in London, Caroline Berg in New York and He Na in Beijing. Every few weeks, Lu Jinhua's family meets for dinner at a restaurant close to her home in Beijing's Chaoyang district. But the happy mealtime almost always ends with an unhappy scene: Her children will insist that Lu leaves the table before she can embarrass them by asking to take the leftover food home in takeaway bags. But on Sunday, the 63-year-old Beijing resident was delighted to discover that the restaurant had implemented a number of changes. A poster on the table clearly stated, "Save food, don't waste it". Instead of persuading customers to order a wide range of expensive dishes, the waitress suggested a small order that could be supplemented later if people were still hungry. At the end of the dinner, Lu's daughter even volunteered to ask the waitress for doggy boxes. "This is the happiest dinner I had in that restaurant so far, and I am so glad to see these changes. I used to live in a rural area and I'm well aware of the hardships farmers endure," Lu said. A campaign against food wastage is sweeping China, a country where 128 million people live below the poverty line. Every year, food valued at 200 billion yuan ($32 billion) is thrown away in China. The volume is equivalent to the amount consumed by more than 200 million people during a 12-month period. A proposal published in January, opposing waste, is part of a drive by China's new leaders to fight extravagance and advocate thrift. Following suit, many provinces have launched their own, more-detailed versions. Central China's Henan province has ordered that business meals for cadres should feature no more than four dishes, and alcohol is prohibited. Meanwhile, the southwestern province of Guizhou has set a time limit of 45 minutes on meals paid for by the public purse. The public has also adopted the idea, resulting in a surge in anti-waste rhetoric. For example, the Beijing Catering Trade Association, Beijing Cuisine Association and Beijing Western Food Association launched a joint anti-waste initiative in late January, which garnered a rapid response from many catering enterprises.
每隔几周在北京朝阳区居住的卢锦华一家就要去家附近的餐馆来次小型的家庭聚餐,一家人有说有笑,其乐融融的气氛羡煞旁人。但是卢大妈却不太喜欢参加,因为每次愉快的聚餐总是以令她不太高兴的情景结束。 买完单后,每当节俭了半辈子的卢大妈招呼服务员要把所有的剩菜都打包的时候,孩子们就会拿起衣服快步的把她拖到餐厅外。每次大妈进家门的时候嘴里都叼念着“太可惜了。”不过,上周末的聚餐细心的卢大妈发现了些小的变化让老人家感到非常高兴。 63岁的卢大妈发现每个餐桌的桌牌上都清楚的写着八个字“节约粮食,浪费可耻”。同时跟每次服务员拼命让多点菜又推荐价格高的菜不同,这次在她们点了七菜一汤之后,服务员说量差不多了,建议她们如果不够可以再点。最让老人高兴的还是吃完饭后老人的女儿主动要求服务员拿打包盒把剩下的菜打包。 卢大妈说:“我过去在农村生活过,知道这种粮食种菜多辛苦。看见孩子们都知道节省了我真的很高兴, 这是我在这个饭店吃的最高兴的一次。” 卢大妈平常忙着看小孙子,很少看报纸很新闻,她不知道不仅是在她去的饭店,而是一场反对铺张浪费,提倡节俭的运动正在全国范围内展开。 中国农业大学的统计数据显示,2012年中国人的餐桌浪费高达2400亿元,我国餐饮业一年浪费的脂肪和蛋白质相当于两亿人一年的口粮。另一组数据更证明了反对浪费的必要性那就是目前我国还有1280万人口生活在贫困线以下。 1月20日,中共中央办公厅印发《习近平同志关于厉行勤俭节约,反对铺张浪费重要批示的通知》, 表明了中央新一届领导人厉行勤俭节约,反对铺张浪费的鲜明态度和坚定决心。 为了贯彻落实好这一精神,全国个省区市也都积极行动起来,制定了当地自己的反对铺张浪费的举措。比如河南省就规定公务用餐仅限于四菜一汤并且不许上酒;贵州省规定对外接待就餐时间不超过45分钟。 这一倡议也得到了社会的广泛响应,很多商家也纷纷行动起来。1月24日北京市商务委、市餐饮行业协会、北京烹饪协会、北京西餐协会对外发布《餐饮业厉行节约反对浪费倡议书》,推出多项反浪费措施。首批10家大型餐饮企业的749家门店响应,逐步向消费者提供“半份菜”、“小份菜”、“热菜拼盘”、免费打包,鼓励把没吃完的剩菜打包带走。 (本篇中文为编译) |