Mexico scolded the United States on Sunday over new allegations of spying after a German magazine reported that the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) had hacked Felipe Calderon's public email account while he was president. Weekly Der Spiegel said in May 2010, an NSA division known as "Tailored Access Operations" reported it had gained access to then-president Calderon's email account, and turned his office into a "lucrative" source of information. It said details of the alleged NSA hacking of Calderon's account were contained in a document leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. Snowden's leaked information has prompted angry recriminations against Washington in Latin America, particularly Brazil. According to Der Spiegel, the NSA succeeded in hacking a central server in the network of the Mexican presidency that was also used by other members of Calderon's cabinet, yielding a trove of information on diplomatic and economic matters. Without citing by name the German report, which was picked up by a number of Mexican media, the Mexican foreign ministry condemned the latest allegations about "suspected acts of spying carried out by the National Security Agency." "This practice is unacceptable, illegal and against Mexican and international law," the ministry said in a statement. Mexico is one of the United States' biggest trading partners and the report could damage ties as the two sides seek to improve cooperation on issues like cross-border security, migration and fighting organized crime. The ministry said President Barack Obama had pledged to carry out an "exhaustive investigation" into who was responsible for the suspected espionage in his latest meeting with President Enrique Pena Nieto, who succeeded Calderon in December. "In a relationship between neighbors and partners there is no place for the actions that allegedly took place," it added. Pena Nieto, who according to separate reports was also a victim of NSA spying before he took office, had already called the alleged U.S. espionage "unacceptable" in July. Still, Mexico, which sends nearly 80 percent of its exported goods to the United States, has so far offered a more restrained response to the spying allegations than Brazil. Last month, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff suspended plans for a state visit to Washington due to revelations the NSA had snooped on her communications, and she later blasted the United States over spying at the U.N. General Assembly. |
在俄罗斯的庇护下,美国国家安全局(NSA)前雇员爱德华·斯诺登的生活似乎已回归平静,但国安局仍处于风口浪尖之上。据英国媒体报道,当地时间10月20日,墨西哥政府针对该国前总统卡尔德隆的官方电子邮箱在其任期内被指遭美国国安局入侵一事,表示强烈谴责。 日前,德国《明镜周刊》根据斯诺登泄露的机密文件报道称,美国国安局下属一个名为“特定入侵行动办公室”(Tailored Access Operations)的部门在2010年5月报告,它已进入墨西哥时任总统卡尔德隆的官方电子邮箱,并从中获取不少有价值的信息。 “卡尔德隆的办公室被变成了一个‘有利可图’的信息源,”《明镜周刊》如是描述美方的间谍行动。依据其报道,当时,美国国安局成功侵入卡尔德隆使用网络的中央服务器,由于该网络同时供卡尔德隆内阁其他成员使用,所以国安局获取了“一批”情报,内容涉及墨西哥的外交和经济事务。 《明镜周刊》的上述报道经墨西哥多家媒体转载后,引起了该国政府的注意。20日,墨西哥外交部发表声明,厉声谴责了美国国安局实施的“疑似间谍行为”。“这种做法是不可接受的、非法的,违反了墨西哥国内法律和国际法律法规。(墨西哥和美国)既是邻国也是合作伙伴,两国间不应当发生这样的事情。” 墨西哥外交部还表示,在该国总统涅托与美国总统奥巴马最近一次会面中,奥巴马承诺将进行“彻底的调查”,以找出这起间谍指控的责任人。 另有报道称,涅托接任卡尔德隆出任墨西哥总统之前,已被纳入美国国安局的监控范围。今年7月,涅托曾公开表示美方的间谍活动“不可接受”。 自美国政府的“棱镜”大规模监控项目遭斯诺登曝光后,此事在拉丁美洲引发极大反应,巴西等被列为监控对象的国家更是愤怒不已。因不满美国国安局的监听活动,巴西总统罗塞夫上月推迟访美,随后,她在联合国大会发表演讲时严厉抨击了美国政府的监控项目,并呼吁联合国制定网络监管规范,防止美国和其他国家将互联网用作间谍活动的“新战场”。 英国路透社认为,鉴于墨西哥是美国最大的贸易伙伴之一,该国近八成的出口货物销往美国,“所以相较于巴西,墨西哥对美方间谍活动的反应更为克制,但此事仍会影响两国在跨境安全、移民和打击有组织犯罪等方面的合作。” 相关阅读 (译者 肉肉融 编辑 yaning) |