This story is one that warms the blackened, icy hearts of the Odd News team. In Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, Alan Markovitz, not satisfied with expressing his distaste for his ex-wife in just words, has bought and moved into a home that sits right next door to a house that’s occupied by…his ex-wife. That’s funny enough, but as WJBK Fox 2 points out, the cherry on top of this cupcake is an almost 12-foot high statue of a middle finger Markovitz put in his back yard, pointed toward his former love and her new boyfriend. Fox 2 wasn’t able to get the ex-wife on the horn, but did speak with Markovitz. He told them that the plan was to get even with the new boyfriend, because two had allegedly had an affair while she was still married to our favorite art patron. He also told them that it wasn’t his intention for this to be public and that it only spread after his ex-wife’s daughter posted a picture on her Twitter account. A private message, however, would be out of character for Mr. Markovitz. He’s quite the deal in Detroit. As this Deadline Detroit article summarizes in its first paragraph, “He's been shot twice, and he once was the target of a murder contract. He wrote an autobiography and bought and sold 11 local topless clubs…He once used a chimp in an act with predictably strange results.” And that’s not it. Fox 2 asked a very good question: is this legal? Their legal analyst Charlie Langton says “Unless this city has some ordinance, that prevents these kind of fingers from being illegal of some kind – no! You could have a statue, some people might call it art, I don’t know, but there’s nothing illegal about it…I know it doesn’t look good, but there’s nothing illegal about it. Get over it!” |
据美国媒体11月18日报道,美国密歇根州一名男子因不满被戴“绿帽”,买下前妻和“新欢”隔壁的住宅,并在后院里竖了一座中指雕像,以此泄愤。 艾伦•毛尔科维奇是底特律脱衣舞俱乐部的老板,人生经历非常传奇。然而,和所有不幸的男人一样,他被戴了一顶“绿帽”。毛尔科维奇说,竖立这座中指雕像是想报复前妻的新男友,这个“男小三”在两人还未离婚时就插足进来了。 这座雕像高达12英尺(约3.66米),花费了7000美元。为了让“奸夫淫妇”24小时受折磨,他还给铜像增加了夜间的照明灯,可谓下足了血本。 毛尔科维奇本不想将此事公开。但是,他前妻的女儿在推特上传了中指雕像的照片,于是“家丑”迅速“外扬”。 在被问到竖立这样一座雕像是否合法时,当地律师查利•兰顿表示:“我知道它看起来不雅观,但并不违法。” ***“竖中指”的来历 “竖中指”最早出现在英法百年战争末期。彼时,法国弓箭手让英军损失惨重,英国发誓要在击败法军后将其弓箭手拉弓的中指斩断。不料结果却是英军惨败,法国弓箭手纷纷伸出右手中指,以示炫耀。这一侮辱性的手势后来在西方“走红”。 相关阅读 (译者 yuanlu 编辑 严玉洁) |