Catherine, Prince William and their son, Prince George, arrived in a damp and foggy Wellington yesterday and were greeted with a formal welcome and powhiri at Government House. Rebecca English at the Daily Mail said the duke and duchess enjoyed the traditional ceremonial welcome, although Catherine had a little trouble with a Maori warrior. "The giggling Duchess didn't know where to look as she chatted to one heavily tattooed Maori warrior, who was bare-bottomed in his traditional clothing." The Mirror's Victoria Murphy said the duchess looked slightly startled as three male toa, or warriors, picked up spears and advanced towards the couple uttering war cries. "But afterwards she spoke to one of the bare bottomed male Maori warriors and told him she thought the traditional greeting was 'super'." Max Foster at CNN praised young George as being a natural royal. "He can't even walk yet but Prince George took a momentous step on Monday in what's set to be a lifetime of royal duties. "When he arrived in Wellington, New Zealand, he was carried off the plane by his ever-glamorous mother and greeted by a long a line of dignitaries, including Prime Minister John Key. "This was Prince George's first official public engagement and he wasn't in the slightest bit fazed by it, despite the epic journey from London. He was perfectly happy, a natural." |
4月8日,一张凯特王妃与露臀“裸男”淡定握手的照片占据了几乎所有英国小报的头版,报道指出,凯特王妃认为新西兰方面安排的毛利传统欢迎仪式实在是“棒极了”。 此前一天,英国威廉王子、凯特王妃带着他们刚满8个月的宝宝乔治小王子抵达惠灵顿,开始对新西兰的访问。当天,新西兰总督迈特帕里在总督府为威廉王子夫妇专门安排了极富特色的毛利传统欢迎仪式。 据英国《每日邮报》报道称,威廉王子夫妇非常享受这一安排,只是凯特王妃遇上了一点小麻烦,“与一位满是纹身、穿着露臀传统服装的毛利武士交谈时,公爵夫人咯咯地傻笑、眼睛不知该往哪里看”。 英国《镜报》称,欢迎仪式中设有一个毛利战舞表演环节,当时,有三名舞者拿起长矛慢慢靠近威廉王子夫妇,“公爵夫人看上去似乎吓了一跳,不过她很快恢复优雅从容、同其中一名光屁股武士交谈起来,公爵夫人说,她认为这个传统欢迎仪式‘棒极了’”。 相较于英国小报,美国媒体把更多关注的焦点放在首次随父母出访海外的乔治小王子身上。 美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)称赞乔治小王子是一位天生的王族。“他还不会走路,却在终身履行王室职责的道路上迈出了重要的一步。乔治小王子抵达惠灵顿后,被光彩照人的凯特王妃抱下飞机,受到包括新西兰总理约翰•基等众多达官显贵的欢迎。这是小王子第一次参加正式公开活动,但经过长途跋涉的他没有表现出一丝一毫的慌张或者胆怯,他看上很开心,他是一位天生的王室成员。” (译者 谌融 编辑 王辉) 扫一扫,关注微博微信
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