The children of the late singer Michael Jacksonare said to have inherited his high-spending ways, splashing out millions on luxury holidays and lavish presents for friends. On the fifth anniversary of his death, the New York Post claims Prince, Paris and Blanket Jackson are racing through their shared $8 million (£4.76 million)-a-year allowance. With the children, now aged 17, 16 and 12, due to come into Jackson’s full $2 billion (£1.19 billion) fortune when they turn 40, they are unlikely to run out of cash any time soon however. Thanks to continuing interest in his music, Jackson's estate is now making more money than he was earning immediately before his death from an accidental overdose. As a result, his children’s shared allowance has increased by $3 million (£1.78 million) over the last five years. Separately, his mother, Katherine, receives $1 million (£594,000) a year to look after them at the Jackson family’s $26,500-a-month (£15,763) rented mansion in Calabasas, California. Private school fees for Prince, the oldest child, cost $30,000 (£17,845) a year. Paris attends a boarding school in Utah, where she receives equine therapy – a form of treatment in which people care for horses – to help overcome the depression which led her to attempt suicide last year. Fees are thought to be in excess of $1 million (£594,000). Prince is said to have spent more than $50,000 (£29,740) on jewellery and gifts for at least three different girlfriends, and $40,000 (£23,790) on a Ford pickup truck. The children take a minimum of three holidays a year – an annual cost of around $350,000 (£208,200) once the expense of ferrying their various bodyguards, guardians and other relatives are factored in. Recent stays include the $5,500-a-night (£3,272) Kahala Hotel and Resort in Honolulu, Hawaii and Las Vegas’ Bellagio at $5,000-a-night (£2,970). Blanket, the youngest child, is said to pay $200-an-hour (£119) for karate lessons and also has a personal trainer and chef. He enjoys taking his cousins out for dinner at top restaurants, where meals cost at least $500 (£297), before going to the cinema. Prince is said to be hoping to buy back Jackson’s famous Neverland ranch one day. It is currently in the hands of creditors, and has an asking price of $35 million (£20.8 million). He and his siblings will inherit half of their fortunes on their respective 33rd birthdays. The children’s high-spending ways were encouraged by Jackson, who is said to given Prince and Paris’s nanny a pile of cash totalling $20,000 (£11,900) when they were four and three-years-old, telling her to “take them out and buy them whatever they wanted” while on a shopping spree in Las Vegas. Marc Schaffel, a former friend of Jackson who is due to marry Debbie Rowe, the singer’s ex-wife and mother of the oldest two children, later this year, told the Post: “He said, ‘Go out and entertain yourselves.’ ” |
据《每日电讯报》6月8号报道,据说已故歌王迈克尔•杰克逊的几个子女都继承了他高消费的作风,斥巨资度豪华假期,送朋友礼物出手大方。 在杰克逊去世五周年之际,《纽约邮报》爆料普林斯、帕里斯和“毯毯”(Blanket Jackson)将他们共有的每年800万美元零花钱挥霍得相当快。 不过,现年分别为17、16和12岁的这三个孩子,因为他们40岁时能继承杰克逊整整20亿美元的遗产,所以短期内他们是不可能缺钱花的。 由于杰克逊的音乐仍然一直受世人喜爱,他的财产现在比他因意外服药过量死亡前增值更多。因此,他的子女共同的零花钱在过去五年里增加了300万美元。 另外,迈克逊•杰克逊母亲凯瑟琳(Katherine)每年可得100万美元,以照顾住在加利福尼亚州卡拉巴萨市豪宅的这几个孩子,这套豪宅月租达2.65万美元。 长子普林斯的私立学校学费为每年3万美元。帕里斯在犹他州上寄宿学校,她在那里接受马的康复疗法——一种人们照料马匹的治疗方法,以治疗她的抑郁症,去年因抑郁症她曾试图自杀。学费想必超过100万美元。 据说普林斯为他至少三个不同的女朋友花了5万美元买珠宝和礼物,还花了4万美元买了一辆福特载货卡车。三个孩子每年至少度三次假——算上带许多保镖、监护人和其他亲戚的费用,每年要花约35万美元。 近期的度假住宿包括每晚5500美元的夏威夷檀香山的卡哈拉度假村酒店和拉斯维加斯每晚5000美元的贝拉吉奥大酒店。 最小的孩子“毯毯”据说在上每小时200美元的空手道课程,还请了私人教练和厨师。 他喜欢带他的表兄们去顶级餐厅吃晚餐,那里吃一顿饭至少要花500美元,然后再去看电影。 据说普林斯希望有一天能买回杰克逊著名的梦幻庄园。庄园现在在债权人手里,要价3500万美元。他和他的弟弟妹妹的将分别在33周岁时继承一半的遗产。 杰克逊过去曾纵容孩子们的奢侈作风,据说在普林斯4岁、帕里斯3岁的时候,在拉斯维加斯一场购物狂欢节上,杰克逊给两人的保姆一沓总共2万美元的现金,跟她说“带他们出去,他们想买什么就给他们买什么”。 杰克逊故友马克•沙弗尔(Marc Schaffel)计划今年年底和杰克逊的前妻,黛比•罗伊(Debbie Rowe)完婚,罗伊是杰克逊两个大孩子的母亲。沙弗尔向《纽约邮报》爆料说:“杰克逊曾说,‘你们出去,尽性地玩。’” (译者 巴黎的思不灵 编辑 丹妮) 扫一扫,关注微博微信
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