England has the biggest trade deficit in the world football transfer market, according to a report from Barclays. After a record summer of spending, English clubs had a combined deficit of £379m. English clubs spent £579m on players from overseas, with £200m of talent going from England to clubs abroad. But the deficit is more than covered by money from overseas television and foreign sponsorship rights, said Barclays. This amounted to over £1bn a year, according to the report, Barclays Football Balance of Trade. Chris Lee, head of professional sports banking at Barclays, said: "While English football has run up the biggest trade deficit in world football transfers, the overall income it generates far outstrips the cost of importing players from overseas. "Matches from England's premier league are beamed to around 211 countries across the globe, and overseas corporates want to be part of what is regarded by many as the best football league in the world," he said. The report said that television rights to countries outside England were more than £744m a year, and sponsorships from overseas businesses will contribute more than £343m in the 2014/15 season. However, the report says that the sponsorship total could be much more, as some amounts are not disclosed. Spain was England's biggest football trading partner in the summer transfer window, and Spain continues to hold the largest share of the global export market at 35%. France moved from being one of the biggest net importers of football talent in the summer 2013/14 transfer window, spending £247m, to being the third biggest exporter in 2014/15, leaving it with a budget surplus of £86.6m for the 2014/15 summer. Despite winning the football World Cup in the summer, the German Bundesliga had not seen a demand for players that can match their own import levels. The Bundesliga had the second highest football trade deficit globally for the 2014/15 summer transfer window. In contrast Argentina, beaten by Germany in the final, had a surplus of £26.9m, ranking the country third overall for net transfer income in the 2014/15 summer window. Brazil has also enjoyed a surplus from foreign trade so far this year at £19.9m although far lower than its 2013/14 summer transfer window surplus of £161.2m. |
据英国广播公司网站报道,巴克莱银行(Barclays)的一份报告透露,英超的转会赤字冠绝全球。 在夏季创纪录的开销之后,英超俱乐部的转会赤字达到3.79亿英镑。 英超俱乐部在引入球员方面总共花费5.79亿英镑,转出球员方面收入2亿英镑。 但巴克莱的报告显示,来自电视转播权及外国赞助商方面的收入远远超过了这个赤字。 据巴克莱足球贸易平衡的报告显示,今年这些方面的收入达到了10亿英镑。 巴克莱职业体育运动银行的负责人克里斯·李(Chris Lee)表示:“虽然英超的转会赤字冠绝全球,但它的总收入远多于引入球员方面的开销。” “英超的比赛在全世界211个国家播出,外国的公司都想成为这个被很多人视作全世界最出色联赛的一份子,”他说道。 该报告称向外国出售转播权的收入达到了每年7.44亿英镑,来自外国赞助商的赞助费在2014/15赛季将超过3.43亿英镑。 该报告还透露,因为一些项目并未被计入,实际的赞助费可能会更多。 西班牙是英格兰2014夏季转会市场的最大合作伙伴。在球员转出方面,西班牙继续占据全球第一,占全球市场的35%。 2013/14夏季转会期,法国成为净引入球员投入最大的国家之一,总共花费2.47亿英镑。但在2014/15赛季他们成为了全球第三大转出球员市场,他们2014/15夏的预算盈余达到了8660万英镑。 尽管今年夏天赢得了世界杯,德甲的引入球员与转出的规模并不等同。2014/15赛季的夏季转会窗期间,德国的转会赤字全球第二。 相比之下,在决赛中被德国击败的阿根廷则有2690万英镑的转会顺差,转会净收入在2014/15夏季转会期排名全球第三。 巴西今年到目前为止也有转会顺差,总计1990万英镑,但相比2013/14赛季的1.61亿则要低得多。 (译者 林喜鸣 编辑 祝兴媛) 扫一扫,关注微博微信
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