Aside from the rare occasions when PepsiCo tests the waters with new flavors like Holiday Spice, the familiar soda brand usually doesn’t venture far beyond regular and diet in America. Japan, however, has been blessed with multiple limited-edition variations.
在美国,那些为人熟悉的苏打水产品并不会太过出格,除非是百事可乐公司研制“百事假日香料”(Holiday Spice)这类新口味汽水。然而,日本的汽水已经有多种限量版口味。
There are Pepsi Pink and Pepsi White, which are strawberry milk– and yogurt-flavored, respectively. And we can see the appeal in Pepsi Strong Shot (extra caffeine and carbonation). Pepsi Ice Cucumber also sounds pretty decent.
日本有粉色和白色的百事可乐,粉色的是草莓牛奶味,而白色的是乳酪味。我们还能看到市面上有百事超碳酸饮品(Pepsi Strong Shot),一种加强了咖啡因含量和碳化饱和度的可乐。冰黄瓜味百事可乐(Pepsi Ice Cucumber)听起来也不错。
But then there’s Pepsi Gold (ginger-root flavor), Pepsi Azuki Bean (red bean paste–flavored), Pepsi Baobab (monkey bread fruit?), and Pepsi Shiso (an herb). Pepsi brings one of these oddball flavors out every summer, so we can look forward to plenty more to come.
但日本还有生姜味的金黄百事(Pepsi Gold)、红豆沙味的红豆百事(Pepsi Azuki Bean)、猴面包树果味的面包果百事(Pepsi Baobab)和香草味的紫苏百事(Pepsi Shiso)。日本百事可乐公司每年夏天都会推出这些奇特口味的汽水,所以我们可以继续拭目以待。