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[ 2007-02-06 15:27 ]



情歌之旅爱的寓言:Buy me a rose(英语)
                     浪漫邂逅:Est-ce que tu viens pour les vacances(法语)


实用手册 情人节“双语情话”


百科宝典 情人节为什么送他/她巧克力?


背景知识 2006情人节专题回顾:情人节的来历,多国语言表达“我爱你”,“恶搞”爱情

双语新闻 这个情人节 送什么给“他”?                 

与其说这是“情人节”,倒不如说这个节日专为“玫瑰花”而设。可曾想过?不同的玫瑰花色、不同的玫瑰花数,其寓意大不相同。情人节送玫瑰,最无可挑剔的颜色自然是红色。不过,如若在这一天,你要对她说声“对不起”,那就得选送黄色玫瑰了;或者,你想要告诉远方的她“我很想你”,或者,你想在这一天向她求婚、悄声问声句“愿意嫁给我吗?” 几多花最合适?呵呵,慢慢品读下文,玫瑰花的学问大着呢! 


Most men say they would love to get flowers and most women love floral gifts as well. Now here is something you may not know: Color Talks!

Although it is commonly accepted that all roses convey warmth and affection, the person receiving them may know and understand the meaning of roses colors and the symbolic message conveyed. It would be nice to insure that you are communicating the right message to that special person.

Read on to find the meaning of the color of roses!

 Different colours -- different meanings

Roses in mixed colors: "you're everything to me."的

Red roses: romance, beauty, respect, courage, passionate love and unity

Red & White roses together: unity or togetherness.

Dark pink roses: appreciation and gratitude,"thank you!"

White roses: unity, loyalty, reverence, humility, sincerity, purity, silence and innocence as well as youthfulness.

Yellow roses: friendship, familiar love and domestic happiness, "remember me" , "I am sorry', or "I care."

Pink roses: elegance, gracefulness, refinement, gentility, style and poetic romance but being combined with fun and light-heartedness.

Light pink roses: admiration, sympathy, gentleness, grace, gladness, joy, friendship and sweetness.

The combination of red roses and pink roses: strong romance and passion.
Black roses: a major change in the future. 

Purple roses: enhancement, magnification, opulence, majesty and glory,"I will always love you!"

Blue roses: fantasies, hoping for miracles, new opportunities and possibilities.

Orange roses: enthusiasm, desire and fascination, "I am proud of you!"

Peach roses: desire, anticipation, sincere appreciat的ion and optimism for the future.

Pale peach roses: symbol of modesty.

 Different quantities -- different meanings

1 rose: love at first sight,you are the only one

2 roses: Mutual feelings,a commitment, an engagement or coming marriage

3 roses: I love you

5 roses: I love you very much

6 roses: I love you, I miss you

7 roses: I'm infatuated with you

9 roses:I'll love you forever

10 roses:You're pretty
11 roses:You're my treasured one

12 roses:"I love you" and I am grateful for your presence

13 roses:Forever friends

15 roses:I'm really sorry

20 roses:I'm sincere towards you

21 roses:I'm committed to you

24 roses:You're always on my mind

25 roses: Congratulations.

36 roses: I'll remember our romantic moments

40 roses: My love is genuine

99 roses: I'll love you till the day i die

100 roses:100% love, I'm totally devoted to you

101 roses: Best of all, you're my one and only

108 roses: Proposal,"Will you marry me?"

365 roses: I love you every single day

999 roses: my love will last till the end of time


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