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A Walk in the Clouds《云中漫步》(精讲之三)
[ 2007-05-18 17:26 ]

文化面面观  Las Nubes --- Napa Valley 北加州的纳帕山谷

思想火花  这是一个关于爱和根的故事。保罗本是一个孤儿,在上战场的前夕和自己并不了解的妻子结了婚……

考考你  趁热打铁


Paul: When I was a kid...every night I'd climb up to the roof of the orphanage, and I'd make a wish on every star I could see.

Victoria: That's a lot of wishing.

Paul: It usually boiled down to one wish, really.

Victoria: What was that?

Paul: What you have in there.

Victoria: Everyone always telling you how you should live your life.

Paul: Better than having no one telling you.

Pedro: You know, in 1580 the first Aragon, also a Pedro, came from Spain to Mexico with a dream in his head, the clothes on his back, and the root from the family's vineyard inside his pocket. Excuse me. May I...see one more? Which one? Ah, that's no good. Try one more. Ahh...that's wonderful. Come...I will show you something. This is the root I brought with me, a descendant from the root the first Pedro brought with him. All our vines come from this one. It's not just the root of Las Nubes. It's the root of our lives, of Victoria's life. Now that you're a part of all this, a part of us, it is the root of your life. You are an orphan no longer. So, you will stay with your family while we harvest the fruit? Ah. It's a special time. It's a time of magic.

Paul: I really can't. I have commitments.

Pedro: What about the commitments to your family? W-What can be more important than that?

Paul: I would like to, really. But I can't. 

Pedro: He said you would not stay.

Paul: Who did?

Pedro: Alberto. He said, "The first chance the gringo gets, he will leave her." His exact words.

Paul: I'm not leaving her. I'm--

Pedro: No, no, no, no. I understand. Just my poor granddaughter. He will whip her with it. She'll be the one to pay for your commitments. Such a pity. Such a sweet girl.

Paul: But it would just be the difference of a day.

Pedro: The most important day of our year, the day that makes or breaks our fortunes--that's what he will throw up to her for the rest of her life. I know my son.

Paul: Don Pedro.

Pedro: Eh?

Paul: You're right. It's only one day. I'll stay.

Pedro: Right. May I? It's a good thing. You have no more chocolates to sell, anyway. Come on.

Victoria: I thought you were leaving.

Paul: I thought it would be better for you if I stuck around at least until the harvest.

Alberto: Don't you have chocolates to sell?

Paul: Family comes first.


1. Boil down

在这里的意思是"Simplify, summarize, or shorten; lead to the conclusion that缩短,减少,归纳为,简单地归结为",例如:
It all boils down to a clear case of murder.
John finally managed to boil his thesis down to 200 pages.

2. Throw up to

这里的意思是"criticize, upbraid 责备,指责",例如: Dad was always throwing it up to the boys that they were careless and messy.

3. Stick around

俚语,意思是"逗留,停留",例如:If you had stuck around, you'd have seen the fireworks.


The Lake House《触不到的恋人》(精讲之一)
The Lake House《触不到的恋人》(精讲之二)
The Lake House《触不到的恋人》(精讲之三)
The Lake House《触不到的恋人》(精讲之四)
The Lake House《触不到的恋人》(精讲之五)
The Lake House《触不到的恋人》(精讲之六)


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