向老板汇报工作(4) [ 2007-06-25 09:37 ]
(T = Tony, B= boss)
T: Hello, it's Tony, in Manchester. 你好,我是托尼,曼彻斯特。
B: Oh, hello Tony. How's the exhibition? Is it going well?
T: Er, no, not really. It's very quiet actually! We are not doing much!
B: What? That's awful? How can you say that, Tony? Did you speak to the
conference manager again? 什么?那么糟? 怎么会这样呢,托尼?你和展会的经理又谈了吗?
T: Er, no, no. Why? 呃,没,没有。怎么了。
B: To get a better stand of course! We are paying a lot of money for that
exhibition and for your hotel! Can't you speak to him again?
T: Er, OK. I'll do my best. 呃,好的,我会尽力的。
B: Have you spoken to any good agents yet? 你有没有和一些好的代理商谈谈?
T: Well, yes. There is one company, they seem very nice. 哦,有。有一家公司看起来不错。
B: Nice? Nice? Have they got any experience? Are they reliable?
T: Erm, er, I'm not sure. I'll ask May... 呃,嗯,我不太肯定。我会问下梅……
T: Hello? Are you still there? 喂,您还在吗?
B: Yes, I'm here. 嗯,在。
T: Em, we aren't sure about the agents. 嗯,代理商我们不太确定。
B: Tony, please could you speak to them again and get more details about
their experience. 托尼,你能不能再和他们谈谈,多了解一些他们的经历。
T: But, they want to sign a contract tomorrow. 可是,他们想明天签合同。
B: No, Tony. Do NOT sign anything until we know a lot more about them. Please
get full details about their track record. I want to know who they've worked
with before, exactly. Can you please send me a full report tomorrow.
T: But I was going to go to the cinema tonight! 可是我今晚打算去看电影。
B: Tony, you are not there to go to the cinema! 托尼,你不是去那里看电影的!
T: Fine. We also need more brochures. 好的。我们还需要一些宣传册。
B: OK. I'll send some more immediately. I'll start preparing a contract but
we need a lot more information. 好的,我会立刻送一些过去的。我会准备起草合同,但我们需要更多了解他们。
(来源:BBC 实习生江巍 英语点津 Annabel 编辑)
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