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Many UFO researchers die under mysterious circumstances
Many UFO researchers working on their research in the 1970s and 1980s died under mysterious circumstances, and may have been killed. |
Many UFO researchers working on their research in the 1970s and 1980s died under mysterious circumstances, and may have been killed. This is the conclusion reached by an amateur astronomer, a former US government adviser Timothy Hood. He made this statement at an international conference in Amsterdam dedicated to search for extraterrestrial intelligence. This statement is true not so much for the chasers for unidentified flying objects, but the researchers trying to find extraterrestrial life, including professional astrophysics. Hood's conclusion was prompted by a 30-year study of this topic. Famous American astronomer Morris K. Jessup, whose books about intelligent life beyond Earth have become bestsellers, committed suicide. He ended his life by placing an exhaust pipe in his car, locking his door and turning on the ignition. Professor James Edward McDonald, who for many years served as head of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Earth and studied unidentified aerospace objects, put a bullet in his head. Edward Ruppelt, who led a project for the study of unidentified objects in the skies over the United States, died of a cardiovascular crisis at the age of 37. On November 5, 2001, William Milton Cooper, a famous UFO researcher who has repeatedly accused the US government of hiding the truth about UFOs, was killed by police in his home. Cooper, who clearly suffered from delusion, lived in Yeager (Arizona). He bought weapons in bulk to create units to fight a secret government led by aliens. Before the incident the police were told that Cooper threatened harmless residents. The police surrounded the ranch where he lived. He said that anyone who would dare to cross the threshold of his private property would be killed, but the police ignored him. As a result, one policeman was seriously wounded, and the other one had to shoot the researcher in self-defense. There is also the famous "Sheldon list." The famous American writer Sidney Sheldon, working on his novel "The End of the World", drew attention to a series of mysterious deaths among British specialists developing space weapons. In October of 1986, Professor Arshad Sharif killed himself by tying one end of a rope to a tree, making a loop at the other end, putting his head through it and driving the car away. A few days later another London professor, Vimal Dazibay, jumped head first from the Bristol Bridge. Both of them worked on the development of electronic weapons for a British government program, similar to the American "Star Wars." According to Timothy Hood, these deaths were not accidental, but rather, were the work of special services that eliminated the experts because they knew too much. (Read by Brian Salter. Brian Salter is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
美国前政府顾问、业余天文学家蒂莫西-霍德日前在阿姆斯特丹召开的一次有关探索外星文明的国际会议上披露,上世纪七八十年代的很多UFO研究专家都神秘死亡,也许是被杀人灭口。 这一论断并不针对UFO爱好者,而是针对试图找到外星生命的专家学者,包括天体物理学专家。霍德的这一结论基于他长达30年的研究。 美国著名天文学家莫里斯•K•杰索普生前所著的有关外星生命的书籍非常畅销,但他却自杀身亡。他把一根排气管引到车内,汽车门窗紧锁,然后点燃了发动机。 长期担任美国“地球大气物理学会”负责人的詹姆斯•爱德华•麦克唐纳教授饮弹自尽,他生前从事不明航空飞行器的研究。 曾领导研究美国上空不明飞行物的爱德华•鲁伯特在37岁就死于心血管疾病。 2001年11月5日,著名UFO专家威廉•米尔顿•库珀在家中被美国警察射杀。库珀生前一直指控美国政府刻意向公众隐瞒关于UFO的真相。库珀生前居住在亚利桑那州的耶格尔,很明显患上了妄想症。他购买了大量武器,以组建部队来对抗由外星人领导的秘密政府。 在这起事件之前,警方接到报警,称库珀威胁到了当地无辜居民的安全。警方包围了他所在的农场。库珀对警察称,谁敢擅自闯入他的私有地产,他就会开枪射击;但警方显然没有将他的威胁当真。结果一名警察受重伤,另一名警察出于自卫开枪射向库珀。 还有一份著名的“谢尔顿名单”。美国著名作家西德尼-谢尔顿曾著有小说《世界末日》,他指出,英国多名太空武器专家也遭遇了神秘死亡。 1986年10月,艾尔沙德-萨里夫教授自杀身亡。他将绳子的一头系在一棵树上,将另一端绕了一个圈,系在自己脖子上,然后踩下了汽车油门。 几天后,伦敦的维姆-达兹贝尔教授头朝下跳下了布里斯托尔大桥。萨里夫和达兹贝尔教授两人都曾为英国政府一项太空电子武器计划工作,类似于美国的“星球大战”计划。 蒂莫西-霍德表示,这些死亡事件并非意外,而是因为他们“知道的太多”,所以被美英政府特工杀人灭口。 相关阅读 (中国日报网英语点津 Julie 编辑:陈丹妮) |
Vocabulary: extraterrestrial: 地球之外的,外星人的 exhaust pipe: 排气管 |
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