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The trial of Bo Xilai, former Party chief of Chongqing, is followed on the Internet by media nationwide, and internationally. [Photo by Wang Jing / China Daily] |
公开受审 to stand trial in open court
受贿 taking bribery
贪污 embezzlement
滥用职权 abuse of power
合议庭 collegiate bench
审判长 chief judge,presiding judge
出庭作证 to appear in court to give testimony
案卷 case files
否认所有指控 to deny all charges
证据与本案无关。The evidence was irrelevant.
利用职务之便为他人谋取利益 to take the advantage of his position as a civil servant to seek gains for others
展示文字证据及证人证言 to present documentary evidence and witness testimony
供述和自书材料 admission and statement written by himself
以检察机关查证的为准 Procurators' investigation and verifications have final say.
王立军叛逃后批准发布有关其“休假式治疗”的虚假信息 approving the release of the false news that Wang was receiving "vacation-style treatment" after his defection
证言的客观性和真实性objectivity and authenticity of the testimony
违反组织程序 to violate organizational procedures
证言与之前供述一致,也与其他证人的证言和文字证据相印证。The testimony was consistent with his previous statements, which could also be verified by the testimony of other witnesses and documentary evidence.
他一出庭就对被告人表现出极大的敌意,说他不是证人,是被告的受害人。He showed grave hostility toward the defendant, saying that he was a victim of the defendant rather than a witness.
法庭展示所有证据均为合法取得,来源清楚。The evidence presented in court had been gathered legally from clear sources.
法庭辩论 court debate
法庭调查阶段 court investigation phase
希望保留党籍和政治生命 hope to remain in the Party and keep his own political career
被告犯罪情节极为严重,且拒不认罪。 The defendant's crimes are extremely grave, and he also refuses to admit guilt.
因此不适用从轻处罚,应依法严惩。As such, the circumstances do not call for a lenient punishment but a severe one, in accordance with the law.
薄熙来受贿、贪污、滥用职权案于本周一中午1:04在济南市中级人民法院结束审理。The trial of Bo Xilai, charged with bribery, embezzlement and abuse of power, concluded at 1:04 pm on Monday at Jinan Intermediate People's Court.
法院将择日宣判。The court will pronounce the verdict at a date to be decided.
以事实为依据,以法律为准绳 on the basis of facts and in accordance with the law
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)
上一篇 : 薄熙来“公开受审”
下一篇 : 美国或对叙利亚“单独行动”
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