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故事发生在1963年,时值冷战期间,哑女艾丽莎(莎莉·霍金斯 饰)在美国政府实验室里工作,是那里的一名清洁女工。艾丽莎一直在沉默之中过着形单影只的生活,全部的朋友就只有画家老头(尼克·西塞 饰)和同事塞尔达(奥克塔维亚·斯宾瑟 饰)。
一天,实验室里拉响了高度戒备的警报,一个神秘的装满了水的水缸被送了进来,艾丽莎震惊地发现,缸子里关着一个半人半鱼的怪异生物。在特工理查德(迈克尔·珊农 饰)的带领下,科学家团队想要从这怪物身上提炼出能够制造生物武器的物质,可是在艾丽莎眼中,它不过是一个和自己一样的孤独的生命体。随着时间的推移,艾丽莎和怪物之间竟然产生了感情。理查德在折磨人鱼时被人鱼咬断两节手指,气急败坏的理查德决定解剖人鱼,得知这一消息后,艾丽莎决定展开营救……
1. Tragedy and delight... Hand in hand. 塞翁失马,焉知非福。
2. I'd waste away if you weren't here looking after me. 要是没你在这照顾我, 我就会日渐消瘦了。
3. I made Brewster pigs in the blanket tonight before leaving. 我今晚走之前给布鲁斯特做了面包热狗卷。
4. Partial to key lime pie? 专点莱姆派吧?
5. We're in a pickle. 我们遇到麻烦了。
6. I answer mostly, on account that she can't talk. 鉴于她不能说话,大部分都是我来回答。
7. That would defeat the purpose. 那不是我们的初衷。
8. You gave up a tenure track position. Didn't you? 你放弃了终身教职,对吧?
9. Well, you said you had a lead. 噢,你说过你们有进展了。
10. My back is acting up, woman. 我背疼啊,婆娘。
Hoffstetler: We need to delay the procedure.
Strickland: Knock before you enter my office.
Hoffstetler: This is urgent!
Strickland: Go back out. Knock. Then I'll let you in and we'll talk. That’s the protocol. Follow the protocol. Come in.
Hoffstetler: I...
Strickland: Could you get the door for me, please? See? That's the way. Now we talk.
Hoffstetler: I need more time.
Strickland: Don't let the fact that you feel like a loser now, that you let your competitive tendency...
Hoffstetler: I'm not competitive! I don't want an intricate, beautiful thing destroyed.
Strickland: This thing dies. You learn. I leave. Outta here. I settle down. My family settles down. Somewhere nice. A real city.
Hoffstetler: This creature is intelligent. Capable of language...of understanding emotions.
Strickland: So are the Soviets, the Gooks. And we still kill them, don't we? The bottom line is, this isn't a petting zoo. And I don't want to be in this shithole any longer than need be. Do you? Bob... Do you?
Hoffstetler: No, I don't.
Yolanda: Hey, what are you waiting for?
Zelda: Have you seen Elisa?
Yolanda: Come on, Zelda.
Hoffstetler: Did you move the camera? On the loading dock? Is that where you're taking him? Through the service tunnels? That's very smart. Who do you work for? This water must be kept at five to eight percent salinity. Table salt will do. Mix one of these in his water every three days. Raw protein diet is a must. In five minutes, I'll meet you at the loading dock. The lights will go out, so be prepared.
Fleming: M-Mr. Strickland, sir... Twelve hours to the vivisection of the asset, and to... I-I need your signature here, please.
Soldier: Hold it right there. Michael Parker. Is that you?
Giles: My whole life.
Zelda: Are you out of your mind? Don't do this, Elisa. Don't do this!
Strickland: What's that... What's that vehicle?
Fleming: Uh, gosh, sir, I'm not sure, it's... A laundry van? B-But it's-it's not scheduled. Sir!
Strickland: Meet me at the loading dock.
Fleming: Sir! Sir, what do you need me to...
Strickland: Get backup.
Soldier: Step out of the vehicle, sir.
Giles: Oh, God, I'm not good at this.
Soldier: Out of the vehicle, now! I will not say it again.
Giles: God, please don't shoot me.
Soldier: Get out!
Giles: Oh, God, don't shoot me.
Hoffstetler: What are you waiting for? We're out of time.
Soldier: Get out now!
Hoffstetler: We have to go. Hurry!
Zelda: Oh, woman, we're gonna burn in hell! Come on, push! Push! Push!
Giles: I swear I'm not doing this on purpose. Mechanical objects and I just don't get along! What?
Hoffstetler: She's waiting for you at the dock. Go! Now!
Giles: Okay, I will. Who's that man? I think he just killed someone. Oh! Oh, my God, oh, my God! Are we ready? Are we ready? He's so beautiful. Huh?! Oh! Uh! Did I do that? I'm just not good at this.
Soldier: Move! Move!
(中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮)
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