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US plans for 3 days of attacks on Syria
A local police department in southeast Missouri confirms the arrest of an HIV-positive man who published reports say admitted to having sex with hundreds of men without telling them his health status. The Dexter Police Department confirmed the arrest of David Lee Mangum, 37, of Dexter, whose case prompted Stoddard County Prosecuting Attorney Russell Oliver to publicly urge anyone who has had sex with the suspect or with an anonymous male they met on the Craigslist classified site to cease sexual activity and get tested immediately for the HIV virus. Police say Mangum may have exposed more than 300 sex partners to HIV. Magnum is scheduled to be arraigned at 9 a.m. Thursday morning at the Stoddard County (Mo.) Justice Center in Bloomfield, according to records on file with the Missouri Office of the State Courts Administrator. The agency says he was arrested Aug. 28 on a charge of recklessly infecting another with HIV when "knowingly infected," which is a felony. Bond has been set at $250,000. The charge carries a possible sentence of life in prison, according to The Daily Statesman. The case blew up after a man saying he was Mangum's former live-in partner approached the Dexter Police Department to file a complaint against Mangum, who he says infected him with HIV, the Statesman reports from an affidavit filed by Dexter police Det. Cory Mills of the Dexter department. The man, identified by the Los Angeles Times as D.B., said he met Mangum through an ad on Craigslist, the online classified site, and that Mangum assured him before they had sex that he did not have any sexually transmitted diseases, according to the affidavit. They lived together from November until June when D.B. said he learned Mangum was sleeping with other people and ended the relationship, according to the affidavit. Magnum told police he was diagnosed with HIV in Texas in 2003 and that he'd had more than 300 sexual partners since then, the Times reported. Fifty to 60 of those partners also lived in Stoddard County, the Times reported. |
据美国《洛杉矶时报》9月8日报道,美国国防部已准备好对叙利亚实施火力更猛、时间更长的军事打击,预计将持续3天。除现已部署在地中海东部的5艘导弹驱逐舰外,美方还考虑动用空军轰炸机和航母战斗群。 《洛杉矶时报》援引知情官员的话说,目前美方制定的作战计划是,首先进行一轮密集导弹袭击,然后迅速辅以空袭、打击在前期导弹袭击中遗漏或者未被完全击毁的目标。 还有两位美国官员透露,白宫要求拓展一份原本只有大约50个目标的袭击名单,将“更多”目标纳入其中。分析人士指出,美方此举旨在加大火力以摧毁叙利亚总统巴沙尔•阿萨德分散在国内各地的军事力量。 “届时美军将会进行多轮打击,每轮打击过后都会作出评估。不过,所有打击都会在72小时之内结束,并且会释放出一个清晰的信号说明对叙军事打击已画上句号。”一位熟悉美方作战计划的官员表示,国防部正在考虑动用空军轰炸机,而现已部署在地中海东部的5艘驱逐舰将在叙政府空军的打击范围之外,发射巡航导弹和空射型反舰导弹。此外,部署在红海的美国海军“尼米兹”号核动力航空母舰战斗群也会加入战斗,向叙利亚发射巡航导弹。 相关阅读 (译者 肉肉融 编辑 王辉) |
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