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Snowden 'pictured out shopping in Russia'
Doing the chores: A Russian website has published a picture which it claims shows CIA leaker Edward Snowden pushing a shopping trolley in Moscow in the first public image since he was granted asylum
A Russian news website published a photograph today that it claims is the first to show US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden since he emerged from a Moscow airport in August. In the blurry image published by Life News, a casually dressed man sporting a goatee with sunglasses perched on his head is pictured pushing a supermarket trolley full of groceries across a road. A car with partly legible Russian plates and a crossing sign identify the scene as in Russia. 'The photograph was taken in Moscow,' said Life News, which is known for its close ties to the Kremlin and security services. There has been no reported sighting of Snowden since he walked out of Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport on August 1 after obtaining temporary asylum in Russia despite protests from Washington. The 30-year-old former CIA contractor is wanted by the United States after revealing details of massive surveillance by the National Security Agency to the media. Snowden's Russian lawyer Anatoly Kucherena has said he is living in a secret location in fear of being tracked down by US law enforcers. Life News published video extracts from an interview with Kremlin-friendly Kucherena, who refused to confirm that Snowden is living in Moscow. 'Let's take as a starting point that on the photograph that came into your possession you can't see the region or anything, only numbers (on a car number plate),' he said. The photograph, if genuine, also does not show the bodyguards who Kucherena says accompany Snowden. It was not clear when the photograph was taken, however it is likely to be several weeks old as it is now autumn in Russia and the picture shows trees covered with green leaves. Life News, which is the online wing of popular tabloid Tvoi Den, wrote on a Russian social networking page that it paid 100,000 rubles (about $3,000) for the photograph submitted via its website. Kucherena last month told Itogi weekly magazine that Snowden manages to walk around in disguise. 'He would walk past you and you wouldn't recognise him,' he told Itogi. 'It's a question of clothes and small alterations to his appearance... He really does walk freely around on the streets.' The photograph, if genuine, also does not show the bodyguards who Kucherena says accompany Snowden. It was not clear when the photograph was taken, however it is likely to be several weeks old as it is now autumn in Russia and the picture shows trees covered with green leaves. Life News, which is the online wing of popular tabloid Tvoi Den, wrote on a Russian social networking page that it paid 100,000 rubles (about $3,000) for the photograph submitted via its website. Kucherena last month told Itogi weekly magazine that Snowden manages to walk around in disguise. 'He would walk past you and you wouldn't recognise him,' he told Itogi. 'It's a question of clothes and small alterations to his appearance... He really does walk freely around on the streets.' |
自美国“棱镜门”爆料者爱德华•斯诺登获得俄罗斯临时庇护后,就从公众视野消失。10月7日,俄罗斯一家新闻网站公布一张疑似斯诺登上街购物的照片。同日,巴西媒体披露,斯诺登泄露的情报文件显示,加拿大情报部门监控巴西矿业及能源部通讯。 ***俄网站曝光斯诺登购物照 俄罗斯“生活新闻”(Life News)网站7日公开一张疑似美国中央情报局(CIA)前雇员斯诺登推着超市手推车过马路的照片。如果这张照片属实的话,这是斯诺登自8月1日离开莫斯科谢列梅捷沃机场后首次曝光。 照片显示,一名留着山羊须、貌似斯诺登的男子架着太阳眼镜,身穿长袖休闲衬衣和牛仔裤,推着一辆装着大包小包的超市手推车横穿马路。附近停泊的汽车上的车牌以及不远处的交通标志,均表明这张照片是在俄罗斯拍摄的。 “照片摄于莫斯科。”俄罗斯“生活新闻”网站透露,这张照片是以10万卢布(约合1.9万元人民币)购得。不过,目前还不知道照片是在何时拍摄,但估计是在数周前,因为俄罗斯现正值秋季,而照片中的树叶仍为绿色。 7日,俄罗斯“生活新闻”网站还发布了一段斯诺登的俄罗斯律师阿纳托利•库切列纳的受访视频。“首先,在照片里根本就看不清楚地区或者其他任何东西,只能看见车牌上的数字。”库切列纳拒绝证实斯诺登现居住在莫斯科,但他表示斯诺登会乔装打扮后出门,并且能够成功混入人群而不被认出,“他可能会从你身旁走过,但你没有认出他。这是衣着打扮和体貌特征略作调整的缘故……他真的可以自由地行走在大街上。” 虽然库切列纳早前宣称斯诺登的积蓄所余无几,不过俄罗斯“生活新闻”网站指出照片中超市手推车里装有至少6个鼓鼓囊囊的购物袋,“正如你所看见的,这位前特工依据美国人的购物习惯,买了整整一车的食物,估计这次消费约为1000卢布(约合190元人民币)”。 另据俄罗斯媒体报道,斯诺登的父亲朗尼•斯诺登近日内将抵达俄罗斯看望儿子。库切列纳透露:“签证问题已经解决,我们预计斯诺登的父亲将很快来到莫斯科,其他亲属也将来俄。” ***传加拿大监控巴西能源部通讯 巴西“环球电视新闻网”(Globo)7日披露的情报文件显示,加拿大情报部门监控巴西矿业和能源部的通讯。 据称,巴西矿业和能源部的电话、电邮和网络流量元数据均遭到加拿大通讯安全局(CSRC)的拦截记录。该局使用一种名为“奥林匹亚”(Olympia)的软件追踪巴西矿业和能源部与第三方的通讯内容,就连他国驻巴西大使馆以及拉美能源组织驻当地办事处与巴西矿业和能源部的通讯也被监控。 巴西“环球电视新闻网”称,其报道是基于美国中情局前雇员斯诺登泄露的情报文件,斯诺登是在一场有美国、加拿大、英国、澳大利亚和新西兰情报分析师参加的会议上获取这些文件。 巴西矿业和能源部部长爱迪生•洛邦形容此事事态“严重”,他说,许多加拿大企业有意在巴西经商,如果监控是要锁定这方面,“我不知道(加拿大当局)是不是想帮助某些特定企业”。 相关阅读 (译者 肉肉融 编辑 Julie) |
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