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Chinese lawmakers are considering removing the death penalty for nine crimes including raising funds by means of fraud. The draft amendment to the Criminal Law was submitted on Monday to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC).
集资诈骗即raising funds by means of fraud。刑法修正案草案即the draft amendment to the Criminal Law。其它8项拟免除死刑的罪名包括smuggling weapons and ammunition(走私武器、弹药罪)smuggling nuclear materials(走私核材料罪)smuggling counterfeit currencies(走私假币罪)、counterfeiting currencies(伪造货币罪)、arranging for or forcing another person to engage in prostitution(组织卖淫罪、强迫卖淫罪)、obstructing a commander or a person on duty from performing his duties(阻碍执行军事职务罪)、fabricating rumors to mislead others during wartime(战时造谣惑众罪)。
(中国日报网英语点津 祝兴媛)
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