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What’s everyone reading in New York?
2. 《只是孩子》 作者:帕蒂·史密斯
Just Kids by Patti Smith
Djenne Grant: My best friend said she loved the book and I’m now reading it for school. I just started and have to finish it in two weeks. I really like it so far. No one bothers you [when you’re reading on the subway], you can go inside a different world. [On the subway, I’ve noticed] we’re moving away from vampire stories and now we’re reading more novels based in real life.
推荐人杰内·格兰特(Djenne Grant):我的闺蜜说她爱死了这本书。现在我刚开始读,学校要求必须在两周内读完。到目前为止,我真的很喜欢这本书。(当你在地铁上阅读时)没人会打扰你,你可以进入一个完全不同的世界。(我注意到地铁上)读吸血鬼故事的人没那么多了,现在大家读的更多的是描写现实生活的小说。
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