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Sherlock Holmes, Unlikely Style Icon
With his Ulster, the literary Holmes wore a cravat. Rathbone’s colorful silk scarves look almost feminine today, but they harmonized with 1930s fashions (think Fred Astaire). In Guy Ritchie’s steampunk-inspired Sherlock Holmes movies, Robert Downey Jr.’s flashy ascots are the only recognizably Holmesian aspect of his costumes, even if they seem more appropriate to circa 2008 Brooklyn than Victorian London. Cumberbatch’s blue-gray scarf functions as an extension of his coat (and eyes). It was Paget who introduced the deerstalker, mentioned nowhere in Conan Doyle’s writings. (Holmes never uttered “Elementary, my dear Watson!” either.) As its name implies, it was a hunting garment, suitable for outdoor pursuits. Paget’s Holmes wore it in the country, never in London. However, Rathbone and subsequent Holmeses wore it everywhere, including indoors. As a trope, the deerstalker improved upon the generic “ear-flapped travelling-cap” Conan Doyle gave his hero. “Holmes never hunted,” exhibition curator Alex Werner reminds us. “But Conan Doyle used the metaphor of hunting to express Holmes’s pursuit of the truth.” Though the deerstalker is no longer a staple of the English gentleman’s wardrobe, it makes an ironic appearance in Sherlock; Cumberbatch impulsively dons one to hide his face from the paparazzi, only to have it become his trademark. (His humiliating nom de tabloid is “Hat Detective.”) Downey, however, wore a fedora, in keeping with his Brooklyn hipster interpretation. |
除Ulster款大衣外,书中的福尔摩斯还带着围巾。雷斯伯恩版福尔摩斯的彩色丝绸围巾在今天看来显得近乎女性化,但它与19世纪30年代的时尚十分协调。在盖·里奇(Guy Ritchie)的蒸汽朋克电影《夏洛克·福尔摩斯》里,小罗伯特·唐尼(Robert Downey Jr)版福尔摩斯浮华的领巾是该角色唯一显示福尔摩斯身份的装束,尽管这似乎更适合2008年的布鲁克林,而非维多利亚时代的伦敦。“卷福”的蓝灰色围巾则有衬托大衣和眼睛的效果。 福尔摩斯的猎鹿帽是佩吉特在插画中首创的,柯南·道尔在书中从未提及,原著中只有“有耳遮的旅行帽”(“ear-flapped travelling cap”)的字句。顾名思义,猎鹿帽属于狩猎装束,适合户外活动。佩吉特画中的福尔摩斯只在乡村戴猎鹿帽,从不在伦敦戴。而在雷斯伯恩和之后的各个版本中,福尔摩斯任何时候都戴着猎鹿帽,包括在室内。展览策展人亚历克斯·沃纳(Alex Werner)提醒参观者:“福尔摩斯从不狩猎,柯南·道尔只是借狩猎这一隐喻来体现福尔摩斯对真相的追求。”尽管猎鹿帽不再是英国绅士衣柜里的必备品,但它已是福尔摩斯的标志特征。“卷福”为了躲避狗仔队而戴上猎鹿帽遮脸,结果使猎鹿帽变成了他的标志(他还被戏称为“帽子侦探”)。唐尼戴的浅顶软呢帽,则保持着他的布鲁克林风格。
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