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How traffic noise near your home can be a short cut to an early death
Traffic noise can shorten your life, new research suggests. Having to endure rumbling lorries, honking horns and screeching tyres has been linked to shorter life expectancy and a higher risk of stroke.
People surrounded by daytime traffic noise louder than 60db were 4 per cent more likely to die than those where noise levels were 55db – roughly the level of a loud conversation.
The extra deaths mostly involved heart or artery disease - which could in turn be linked to raised blood pressure, sleep problems and stress brought on by noise, the scientists claim.
A total of 8.6 million living in London between 2003 and 2010 provided data for the study, reported in the European Heart Journal.
《欧洲心脏杂志》(European Heart Journal)的报告指出,该项研究的数据来源是2003至2010年居住在伦敦的860万人。
Lead scientist Dr Jaana Halonen, from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said: 'Road traffic noise has previously been associated with sleep problems and increased blood pressure, but our study is the first in the UK to show a link with deaths and strokes.'
伦敦卫生及热带医学学院 (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)的首席科学家亚纳·哈洛宁博士(Jaana Halonen)表示:“道路交通噪音早前被证明与睡眠问题和血压升高有关,但我们的研究是英国第一个将道路交通噪音和死亡、中风联系在一起的。”
In London, more than 1.6 million people are exposed to daytime road traffic noise louder than this threshold.
The study also found that adults living in areas with the noisiest daytime traffic were 5% more likely to be admitted to hospital for stroke than those from quieter neighbourhoods. For the elderly, this increase in risk rose to 9%.
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