2013-04-18 14:33

Finn: Hi, I'm Finn. This is Authentic Real English. And this is Feifei.
Feifei: Hi. 电影院人真多,我得大点儿声说话你才能听得见。对这部电影我一无所知,你认识这些演员吗 Finn?
Finn: Well, Feifei, when it comes to the best new actors, I have my finger on the pulse.
Feifei: Finger on the pulse? 手指头在脉搏上?别,你可别 Finn. 你是说你用手指头给所有的电影演员们把脉?你没事儿吧?英国人的保守情节去哪儿了?
Finn: No. I'm not going to touch anybody's pulse or wrists and my fingers are here, in my popcorn. In English 'to have your finger on the pulse' means to be familiar with the latest trends and developments.
Feifei: Ahhhh, 我就说嘛。其实短语 to have your finger on the pulse 的意思是紧跟最新潮流动态,消息灵通,把握行情。
Finn: So you might hear the expression 'to have your finger on the pulse' or 'to keep your finger on the pulse'. Let's hear some examples.
You have to keep your finger on the pulse of consumer trends if you want to succeed in business.
How do I manage to dress so well all the time? I buy this fashion magazine every week because it really has its finger on the pulse.
Feifei: I see. 这么说,我们常用这个短语来表达某人紧随潮流,把握动态。
Finn: That's right.
Feifei: Finn, 我刚才看到这部电影的海报,这部电影…
Finn: 'The City That Never Sleeps'. Yes?
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(来源:BBC英语教学 编辑:Julie)