中国日报网 2013-12-24 14:37
你认识这样的人吗?已经读到博士或拥有多个学位却依然寻求深造机会,而同龄人都已经工作好多年了。读书似乎是他们最大的乐趣和人生的意义所在。这样的人被称为“专业学生”,英文表达是professional student。
Professional student refers to a person who receives multiple degrees and keeps taking courses instead of holding a profession related to the degrees earned. It can be a compliment or an insult depending on the speaker.
Ex. 1: a compliment
"Man, I think you're so cool for writing a dissertation on Mesoamerican maize fertilization. You're a real professional student!"
Ex. 2 an insult
"Hey Jack, won't you get a real job and quit being a professional student?"
(中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮)