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《亚洲基础设施投资银行协定》全文(双语) Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank  Articles of Agreement

中国日报网 2015-07-06 15:33


第六章 一般规定

第三十二条 银行办公室
Article 32 Offices of the Bank

1. The principal office of the Bank shall be located in Beijing, People’s Republic of China.

2. The Bank may establish agencies or offices elsewhere.

第三十三条 沟通渠道;存托机构
Article 33 Channel of Communication; Depositories

1. Each member shall designate an appropriate official entity with which the Bank may communicate in connection with any matter arising under this Agreement.

2. Each member shall designate its central bank, or such other institution as may be agreed upon with the Bank, as a depository with which the Bank may keep its holdings of currency of that member as well as other assets of the Bank.

3. The Bank may hold its assets with such depositories as the Board of Directors shall determine.

第三十四条 报告与信息
Article 34 Reports and Information

1. The working language of the Bank shall be English, and the Bank shall rely on the English text of this Agreement for all decisions and for interpretations under Article 54.

2. Members shall furnish the Bank with such information it may reasonably request of them in order to facilitate the performance of its functions.

3. The Bank shall transmit to its members an annual report containing an audited statement of its accounts and shall publish such report. It shall also transmit quarterly to its members a summary statement of its financial position and a profit and loss statement showing the results of its operations.

4. The Bank shall establish a policy on the disclosure of information in order to promote transparency in its operations. The Bank may publish such reports as it deems desirable in the carrying out of its purpose and functions.

第三十五条 与成员及国际组织的合作
Article 35 Cooperation with Members and International Organizations

1. The Bank shall work in close cooperation with all its members, and, in such manner as it may deem appropriate within the terms of this Agreement, with other international financial institutions, and international organizations concerned with the economic development of the region or the Bank’s operational areas.

2. The Bank may enter into arrangements with such organizations for purposes consistent with this Agreement, with the approval of the Board of Directors.

第三十六条 指称
Article 36 References

1. References in this Agreement to Article or Schedule refer to Articles and Schedules of this Agreement, unless otherwise specified.

2. References in this Agreement to a specific gender shall be equally applicable to any gender.

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