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《亚洲基础设施投资银行协定》全文(双语) Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank  Articles of Agreement

中国日报网 2015-07-06 15:33


第七条 股份缴付条件
Article 7 Terms of Shares

1. Shares of stock initially subscribed by members shall be issued at par. Other shares shall be issued at par unless the Board of Governors by a Special Majority vote as provided in Article 28 decides in special circumstances to issue them on other terms.

2. Shares of stock shall not be pledged or encumbered in any manner whatsoever, and they shall be transferable only to the Bank.

3. The liability of the members on shares shall be limited to the unpaid portion of their issue price.

4. No member shall be liable, by reason of its membership, for obligations of the Bank.

第八条 普通资本
Article 8 Ordinary Resources

As used in this Agreement, the term "ordinary resources" of the Bank shall include the following:

(i) authorized capital stock of the Bank, including both paid-in and callable shares, subscribed pursuant to Article 5;

(ii) funds raised by the Bank by virtue of powers conferred by paragraph 1 of Article 16, to which the commitment to calls provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 6 is applicable;

(iii) funds received in repayment of loans or guarantees made with the resources indicated in sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii) of this Article or as returns on equity investments and other types of financing approved under sub-paragraph 2 (vi) of Article 11 made with such resources;

(iv) income derived from loans made from the aforementioned funds or from guarantees to which the commitment to calls set forth in paragraph 3 of Article 6 is applicable; and

(v) any other funds or income received by the Bank which do not form part of its Special Funds resources referred to in Article 17 of this Agreement.

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