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中国领导人联合国发声记录 Voices of Chinese leaders at the United Nations

中国日报网 2015-09-25 08:47





The advancement of human society is unstoppable. Any nation obsessed in its force to pursue hegemony and expansion will be doomed to failure.

A diversified, splendid and colorful world can only be created through mutual respect and support, and by accepting differences and living in harmony.



All countries, big or small, rich or poor, strong or weak, are equal members of the international community and have the right to take part in and handle world affairs. Matters that fall within the scope of sovereignty of a country should be managed only by the government and people of that country, and the world affairs should be handled by the governments and people of all countries through consultation. This is the principle of democracy in handling world affairs. Today, the world's destiny should be in the hands of the people of all countries.

The world is diverse and colorful. Just as there should not be only one color in the universe, so there should not be only one civilization, one social system, one development model or one set of values in the world. Each and every country and nation has made its own contribution to the development of human civilization.

The Chinese people will unswervingly march along the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and accomplish the grand cause of national reunification in accordance with the principles of "peaceful reunification" and "One country, two systems".

The Chinese people love peace and stand firm in maintaining world peace and stability. China will never seek hegemony. This is a solemn commitment undertaken by the Chinese people to the world.

I am convinced that in spite of difficulties and twists and turns that might occur in the course of evolution of the world situation and the development of the human society, the world of ours will eventually attain a civilization of a higher level and make progress in all areas.

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