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中国领导人联合国发声记录 Voices of Chinese leaders at the United Nations

中国日报网 2015-09-25 08:47






The United Nations was founded as a result of mankind's persistent efforts to seek peace and development. It embodies the lofty spirit of the world's people to "save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought about untold sorrow to mankind" and to "live together in peace with one another as good neighbors". It also carries the beautiful ideal of the international community to jointly promote economic and social development.

In the past 60 years, though power politics still lingered and democratized international relations remained elusive, dialogue, exchanges and harmonious co-existence have become the mainstream of state-to-state relations. Mutual respect and treating each other as equals have become an important consensus of the international community.

Without universal development and common prosperity, our world can hardly enjoy tranquility.

The United Nations should take concrete measures to implement the Millennium Development Goals, particularly in the area of accelerating the development of developing countries, so that the 21st century can truly become a "century of development for all".

Diversity of civilizations is a basic feature of human society and an important driving force behind human progress. In the course of human history, all civilizations have, in their own way, made a positive contribution to the overall human progress. It is their differences that allow them to learn from one another and grow stronger together. Uniformity, if imposed on them, can only take away their vitality and cause them to become rigid and decline. The world's civilizations may differ in age, but none is better or more superior than others. Differences in history, culture, social system and mode of development should not become barriers to exchanges between countries, let alone excuses for confrontation.

We should respect a country's right to independently choose its own social system and path of development. In this way, countries will go for mutual emulation instead of deliberate exclusion, for mutual learning of respective strong points instead of making fetish a particular model, thus succeeding in their rejuvenation and development in line with their national conditions. We should enhance intercivilization dialogue and exchanges, allowing cultures to complement one another through competition and comparison, and to develop together by seeking common ground while putting aside differences. We should do away with misgivings and estrangement existing between civilizations and make humanity more harmonious and our world more colorful. We should endeavor to preserve the diversity of civilizations in the spirit of equality and openness, make international relations more democratic and jointly build towards a harmonious world where all civilizations coexist and accommodate each other.

2009年9月23日,胡锦涛在热烈的掌声中再次登上联大讲台,发表题为《同舟共济 共创未来》的重要讲话。全面阐述了中国对国际形势及重大全球和地区问题的看法,系统介绍了新中国成立60年来的发展道路和成就。这是中国国家元首第一次在联大一般性辩论中发表讲话。


Security is not a zero-sum game, and there is no isolated or absolute security. No country can be safe and stable in the absence of world and regional peace and stability.

We should embrace a new security thinking of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination. While maintaining one's own national security, we should also respect the security concerns of other countries and advance the common security of mankind.

Climate change, food security, energy and resource security and public health security are all global challenges and no country is immune from them.

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