中国日报网 2015-10-20 09:43
"Helping the elderly" insurance became available for purchase on Alibaba's payment platform Alipay recently. The insurance costs 3 yuan a year ($0.47) and pays up to 20,000 yuan to cover legal fees should the insured be involved in a dispute over whether they provided assistance to a senior citizen after a fall or were the cause of the fall.
“扶老人险”("helping the elderly" insurance)为我国的保险市场又增加了一个“无奈险种”。“扶老人险”的推出引发网友热议,有人认为此举可以帮助好心人讨回公道,而有人则认为这并不能解决根本问题,反而可能会助长“讹人”之风(encourage such extortion)。
此前部分医院推出手术意外险(surgical accident insurance),目的是在手术出现意外情况、又不属于医疗责任(medical liability)的情况下,可通过手术意外险进行理赔,这样能够化解一部分医患纠纷(medical disputes)。
前两年出现过的奇葩险种还有“熊孩子险”(naughty child insurance)、“蜜月意外怀孕险”(Accidental Pregnancy Before Honeymoon)、“防小三险”(concubine-proof insurance)、“足球流氓险”(football hooligan insurance),以及“世界杯遗憾险”(World Cup heartbreak insurance)等。
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)