中国日报网 2016-01-29 13:01
近日英国多地普降暴雪。受极寒天气的影响,在英国苏格兰高地的乌拉普尔河(Ullapool River)出现了只在北极和南极才有的“冰雪薄饼”。发现这些“冰雪薄饼”的是业余摄影爱好者安迪(Andy Williams)。安迪是研究海鸟的海洋生物学家,他在外出调研鸟类时发现了这一奇景。
Unusual 'ice pancakes' normally only found in the Arctic and Antarctic have been spotted in Britain, as temperatures plunged to -11C with almost the whole country in the grip of icy weather.
The ice had frozen in a flat, round shape, around the size of a dinner plate, with the unusual patterns often caused by swirling foam floating on a river starting to freeze, usually overnight.
Commuters were hit with chaos on the roads - including a 14-car pile-up - due to slippery conditions in the aftermath of the snowfall.
(中国日报网英语点津 yaning)