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中国日报网 2016-11-24 10:49


All-round dialogue and cooperation





I hope the visit will deepen the two countries' traditional friendship, promote all-round dialogue and cooperation, and boost the China-Peru comprehensive strategic partnership, so as to bring more benefits to the two peoples.

The coming five years are a significant time for national development of both countries, the two sides should weigh top-level design and overall planning for bilateral ties, run their cooperation mechanisms well, fully implement their joint action plan for cooperation in 2016-2021, and strengthen synergy of development strategies so as to obtain real results of their consensuses.

Great brother



China and Chile are far away from each other, but the two peoples enjoy a long history of interactions and profound friendship. Pablo Neruda, a Nobel Prize laureate in literature and a major poet in Chile, referred to China affectionately as a "great brother." Even the names of our two countries, China and Chile, resemble those of two brothers and our two peoples have indeed fostered a brotherly relationship.

The two peoples have the tradition of making pioneering efforts. A number of "firsts" have been achieved in our bilateral ties. Former President Salvador Allende, with his extraordinary vision, decided to establish diplomatic ties with New China 46 years ago, making Chile the first country in South America to do so and opening a new chapter in China-Chile relations. Chile was the first Latin American country to sign a bilateral agreement with China on its WTO accession, to recognize China as a full market economy and to sign with China a bilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA).

Friends in Latin America often say that one can walk fast when traveling alone and walk a long distance when traveling with friends. I look forward to in-depth exchanges with friends from various sectors of Chile during this visit so that we can carry forward the fine tradition of China-Chile relations and draw a new blueprint for bilateral cooperation to advance common development of our two countries.

We should remain committed to mutual respect and consolidate political foundation for our relations.

We should enhance our complementarity and promote common development.

We should expand cultural and people-to-people exchanges and consolidate traditional friendship.

We should strengthen strategic coordination and uphold our common interest.

As Neruda once said, if we look at the map of America, we will find a very promising vista. We will then have greater confidence in the future of Latin America. Chile, as the gateway to Latin America and the current rotating chair of the Pacific Alliance, plays an important role in regional affairs. China is ready to work with Chile to push China-Latin America Comprehensive Cooperative Partnership forward for greater development and build a community of shared future.

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