中国日报网 2017-01-17 12:52


Chinese soccer's governing body has cut the number of foreign players that clubs can field in domestic matches, citing a need to curb "irrational" spending and encourage the development of more homegrown talent.
此次足协新政的调整内容主要针对外籍球员(foreign players)和U23球员(players under the age of 23):
在2017赛季中超联赛中,上场的外籍运动员(含亚足联会员协会所属运动员)为累计三人次(clubs in the Chinese Super League will be allowed a maximum of three foreigners on the pitch)。外籍运动员(含亚足联会员协会所属运动员)注册、报名的规则、数量不变。
在2017赛季中超、中甲联赛中,上场运动员名单中应列入至少二名U23国内运动员(1994年1月1日后出生),其中一名U23国内运动员应为首发运动员(each club is now required to have at least two Chinese players under the age of 23 in their 18-member matchday squad, and at least one in the starting lineup)。
Chinese Super League (The Chinese Football Association Super League) 中国足球协会超级联赛(中超联赛)
China League One 中国足球甲级联赛
foreign players 外援
homegrown players 本土球员
matchday squad 上场运动员
starting lineup 首发阵容
players under the age of 23 U23球员(年龄在23岁以下的球员)
transfer fee 转会费
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)