中国日报网 2017-01-20 13:19


The names of traffic violators will be made public via media outlets to increase awareness of safety, an official statement said Thursday.
They include people who forge or use forged license plates, drunk drivers and speeding drivers, according to the statement, jointly issued by five departments including the Ministry of Public Security and the National Development and Reform Commission.
所谓的“公示”指党政机关、企事业单位、社会团体等事先预告群众周知,用以征询意见(seek public opinion)、改善工作(improve work performance)的一种行为方式或者应用文体,英文可用publicity表示。
上文中提到的对严重交通违法人员进行“公示”可以用make public来表示,比如:to make the names of people who forge or use forged license plate public/ the names of people who forge or use forged license plate public to be made public。公示的信息包括:车辆种类、车牌号码、处罚结果等。
以欺骗、贿赂等不正当手段取得机动车驾驶证或者机动车登记后,被公安交管部门撤销驾驶许可或者机动车登记的人员、法人(getting driver’s license through fraud or bribery and being withdrawn by traffic authority);
在机动车驾驶人考试过程中有贿赂、舞弊行为被取消考试资格的人员(disqualified from driver’s license test due to cheating or bribery);
伪造、变造或者使用伪造、变造机动车牌证的人员、法人(forging or using forged license plate);
醉酒驾驶机动车或者饮酒后驾驶营运机动车的驾驶人及车辆所属道路运输企业(drunk driving or driving under the influence of alcohol);
吸毒驾驶机动车的驾驶人及车辆所属道路运输企业(driving under the influence of drugs);
公路客运车辆、校车载客超过额定乘员20%以上的驾驶人及车辆所属道路运输企业(driving overloaded passenger bus or school bus);
非接驳运输的长途客运车辆违反凌晨2时至5时禁行规定的驾驶人及车辆所属道路运输企业(driving long distance passenger bus between 2 and 5 am);
被吊销驾驶证的人员(driver’s license revoked);
记满12分被降级的驾驶人(receiving 12-demerit-point punishment and being reduced to a lower grade);
交通违法行为被行政拘留的人员及其所在的道路运输企业(receiving administrative detention due to traffic violations);
因交通违法行为被处罚的道路运输企业及有关责任人员(receiving punishment due to traffic violations));
在有人员死亡的交通事故中负有责任的营运驾驶人及其所在道路运输企业(being held responsible for casualty in traffic accident)。
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)