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中国日报网 2017-02-24 15:26



地球的上空突然出现了十二架贝壳状的不明飞行物,悬浮在十二个不同的国家的上空,外星人向人类发出了讯号,但人类却并不能够解读。美国军方找到了语言学家露易丝(艾米·亚当斯 Amy Adams 饰)和物理学家伊恩(杰瑞米·雷纳 Jeremy Renner 饰),希望两人能够合作破解外星人的语言之谜。



1. The booster is a kick to your system, so you may experience some side effects. 加强剂的药效明显,所以你们可能会有不良反应。

2. Don't get ahead of yourself. 别急于求成。

3. Louise? We have to gain ground today. 露易丝?我们今天必须有所进展。

4. Should we abort? 要终止任务吗?

5. The world's most decorated experts can't crack that one. 世界上最负盛名的专家也是一头雾水。

6. I'm talking about a shot across the bow. 最好是向他们发出警告。

7. If you immerse yourself into a foreign language, then you can actually rewire your brain. 如果你全身心地钻研一门外语,你可以改变你的大脑构造。

8. China and Russia are off the grid. 中国和俄罗斯都离线了。

9. Don't sweat it. 别紧张。



Louise: Louise. Louise. I am Louise.

Ian: What is that? Is that a new symbol? I can't tell.

Louise: I don't know. I think it's the symbol for human again. It just has a little curl on the end, maybe to indicate a question. I don't know.

Ian: I don't know, Louise. I think they're getting confused.

Nate: Dr. banks, perhaps we should move on to the next word. Dr. banks!

Louise: It's okay, Nate.

Colonel Weber: What's going on?

Nate: Hey, hey, hey. What are you doing?

Louise: Yeah, I'm fine.

Nate: Are you insane?

Louise: They need to see me.

Nate: She's taking off her hazmat suit. Dr. Banks! Is it okay?

Ian: You're risking contamination.

Louise: They need to see me.

Ian: Dr. Banks...Dr. Banks.

Nate: She's walking towards the screen. Should we abort?

Officer: Request noted. Stand by for frag order.

Nate: Go back to your stations.

Louise: Now that's a proper introduction. Okay. Louise. I am Louise. Ian, you want to introduce yourself?

Ian: Uh, yeah.

Louise: Louise.

Ian: Screw it! Everybody dies, right?

Nate: Sir, Donnelly is taking off his hazmat suit. Permission to abort?

Officer: Continue the session.

Louise: Ian. Louise. You. Who are you? I think those are their names. They have names.

Ian: So, what are we gonna call them?

Louise: I don't know.

Ian: I was thinking Abbott and Costello.

Louise: Yeah.

Ian: Yeah?

Louise: Yeah, I like it. I like it.

Ian: Wow!

(中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮)

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